With all due respect, the P2 Maquette is hardly a grail and anyone willing to pay $2,000 for it must be pretty desperate. It's interesting that you think this bust will have an ES of 500 from SS. You could be right. I hope at some point Coolprops discloses how many they produced.Considering all the complaining about the predator 2 maquette and now it's going to grail status and selling on eBay close to $2000. It's pretty safe to say that the predator license is a very popular one when the work is done properly this clearly looks like it's going to be beautiful I'm not taking any chances with this and I'm fairly sure we're looking at 500 ES for sideshow
Is this piece made of polystone?
With all due respect, the P2 Maquette is hardly a grail and anyone willing to pay $2,000 for it must be pretty desperate. It's interesting that you think this bust will have an ES of 500 from SS. You could be right. I hope at some point Coolprops discloses how many they produced.
The P2 maquette is not a grail. This might be if there really is such a thing? Only the SSC/SWS P1 maquette fits the bill for me personally and that is mostly due to the fact that Mr Winston and his team made it.
P1 maquette would like to have a word with you.Well it's the best we've seen for predator and I see how fast it sold out , maybe not a Grail but definitely one of then better uses of the license
Uh, no. No it's not.Well it's the best we've seen for predator
It is not a grail to any real predator fan.What is the definition of a Grail, it could be a Grail to an individual's taste as well
It is not a grail to any real predator fan.
It's a shame that those dreads aren't on par with the rest of the bust! It's actually holding me back from pre-ordering.
Would love to have an accurate P2 bust or statue though.
I don't hear anyone speaking about those dreads...so I guess this isn't a big deal then?
Dreads are old news.
Unlike the Maquette, when the rest of the item in question is so well done a small(ish) issue can be easily overlooked.