Well I got a nice suprise today when I recieved a rather lovely presented box a day early, My Preddy LSB is here and despite being an annoying perfectionist, im really happy with it overall, its deffinately my new favourite Sideshow piece and im down for the P2, Elder and wolfie thats for sure! Its not perfect of course, predictably it has a large hole on his chest that should contain a quill and a few paint chips, mostly hidden fortunately but theres a few minor chips on the crown which is annoying, I will be contacting SS about these issues to see if it can be resolved. Overall Its good though, the pro's deffinatley outway the cons as il explain here....
This thing has character unlike any other piece I own, the raised mandible and slight pose somehow make it look like more than just a head on a base, it almost looks alive. Its also big and heavy! The paint job is actually not that bad in person, it doesn't look quite as light as the pictures suggest but it certainly could be better, the mouth area in paticular is far too pale and really quite shabbily done with paint flakes present, the veins in the mouth area also look really bad imo. also some of the silver from the base has overlapped onto the body on mine which doesn't look amazing obviously. Overall though im chuffed! i love the mixed media look and feel, the real necklace and netting adds massive presence to this bust, i was worried they would have just sculpted them on production pieces as with the tracker maquette but no, it looks great! And finally those damn teeth, il admit they don't completely kill the piece like I had feared they would but they do look wrong to be honest, i will deffinately have them adjusted in good time as I know they will bug me. Overall though its a big thumbs up.... Well done sideshow, youve restored a bit of faith after those awfull predator masks, keep this line coming please. If anyone is on the fence about this one then you needn't be worried, pick one up and youl not regret it.....