Well the Hero would have cost me $30,000 plus fee's. But it was a hero. I did not win the T-1 that sold for over $320,000 plus fee's (I did not bid that much). The Cylon's from SSC cost me $10,000 by the time they got to my house. There where two heros for the TV show. Those two where not sold. Robbie was price at $30,000 but the guy let me have him for much cheaper so cheap I said do a drug test 1st.
My T-800 from SSC are $6,000 but those are like the Clyons made to order. I did find someone that makes Clones Suits for the 501st. He is making me a Black/Red Shadow Commander. But he makes many of them (Commanders so he has the models for them) just the Suit $1,500. About 8 to 12 months wait.
Helmets depends on the movie. Hero or not. I did get a Judge Dredd helmet. Not hero but a backup from the set. Cost me cooking the guy family there Christmas dinner.
I only buy 1 or 2 1/1 items a year if that. Now all I need is a Pimp Suit from Hellsing and a Full Size Predator and I am good.
What I am trying to say is you never know what something is going to cost you, or what they are going to charge. I just wish I would have seen this before I bought the T-800.