Anyone been charged yet. Just wondering if I transferred money on the CC to late.
Those are some crappy pics so I wouldn't judge this just yet
I agree, I don't think that lens cost $25.00. They are probably trying to make up the money they lost on the last one and think we are stupid and won't notice it..
They already announced that they are doing at least 3 maquettes, 2 skulls, 4 bios, and one 1:1 bust. That's just from SS and doesn't include the HT stuff. One would also think that the Preds from this movie will also be represented in the LSB line that will be rolled out soon. So yes, there will be plenty of product.
I sure hope thats all spread out over at least 2 years!
they better leave these Preds out of the LSB line for a long time. They should be the last ones to be made.