Premium Format ANIME Statues Discussion!

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Nov 5, 2014
Reaction score
The Lost City of Atlantis
Hey Collectors,

It's been awhile since I've been active on this form. During that time I've been hard at work, working on establishing a new business. Currently the progress is wonderful. Current status is:

- Pending procuring of licensing agreements for certain IP
- Getting ready to release prototype photos of current projects
- Working on establishing manufacturing: Here in the USA (currently all major brands are made internationally, I will be the ONLY "Made in the USA")

So, the reason of this thread.

I want to know, from Anime lovers and enthusiast, collectors interested in Anime High-Quality Premium Statues; which Anime, & Characters you'd like to see.

All statues will be Polystone (my favorite material for collecting statues) certain ones will have hand-tailored outfitts (similar to the SW PF Sideshow produces.

Current projects pending release includes:

Rem (Re: Zero, Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu)
Ram (Re: Zero, Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu)
Emilia w/ Puck [Demon transformation, as seen in S2] (Re: Zero, Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu)
Princess Mononoke [ w/ Moro & Cubs] (Princess Mononoke)
Touka Kirishima [Kagune] (Tokyo Ghoul)
Ken Kanaki [Asphyxiation] (Tokyo Ghoul)
Eto Yoshimura [Kagune form] (Tokyo Ghoul)

Also, pending designs for:

- Violet Evergarden
- Konosuba
- Fate: Zero, UNL Blade Works, Encore (Arturia, Nero, Emiya Kiritsugu)
- Overlord

Collectors & Anime lovers, suggestions below. Would you be interested in the current listing, what would you like to see in the future, which Anime made you feel, favorites etc.)

I'll be on periodically to read comments, suggestions, & interests listed below. Thanks for reading!


There is already an Anime section here, this should be moved

Care to link the anime section? There really isn’t much on polystone statues of anime characters as far as this forum goes.

Anyway, I’d love to see Gundam (1/4 scale), claymore(1/4 scale) and vampire hunter d 1/4 scale

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