Premium Format Luke & Yoda question

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Super Freak
Sep 9, 2005
Reaction score
Why is this PF still available regular and Exclusive.
What is wrong with it that it was not as popular
as other SW PF's. Thinking of getting one and
I want your feedback first.
I THINK the issue was Yoda, I forget though. Lots of whining about Yoda in my memory though.
I was looking at pictures on the SS site and was surprised to see that the box
image of Luke and Yoda differed from the actual statue. I prefered the image
on the box as opposed to the final statue.
This might explain why there are still some available.
The fact that it was a repeat of Luke after only 6 PF's is playing a large role in it. Not to mention the pics on SS's site don't do it any justice.
The picture on the box is the same, just Yoda isn't posed exactly the same. It is one of the best of the PFs, but I would side with the others who have said that repeat characters may be what's holding it up.
This is really one of the best PF yet. If I had to pick between this one and Fett this one would win hands down. It looks really cool.
there is nothing wrong with jedi luke and several people might want to buy him

however, when SW PF series has only 6 items and if 2 of them are Luke, I do not think it is a clever marketing tactic to come up with another luke PF, when we already have 2 12"s as well
gambit said:
there is nothing wrong with jedi luke and several people might want to buy him

however, when SW PF series has only 6 items and if 2 of them are Luke, I do not think it is a clever marketing tactic to come up with another luke PF, when we already have 2 12"s as well

Agree 100%. Their are two possible Luke PF's left, Jedi and X-Wing. Personally I hope they do Wedge in the X-Wing gear just so there aren't 4 Luke PF's. That being said, if Jedi Luke is the only PF left, he needs to be near the end of the line. And I'd be all over it as well :D
Outlander said:
So certain are you...?

No, not really :eek:

I suppose in theory they could do a Bespin Luke or a Stormtrooper Luke as well. Those two just seem destined for either the 12" or diorama line.
They've already got most of the outfit for a Bespin Luke.
I'd like to see every conceivable version of the whiney one, but I know I'm probably in the minority around here.
Collector Freak said:
People didn't want another poorly sculpted Luke. Seriously, does this look like Hamill to ANYONE?

I can't believe I am going here, and though I would phrase it differently ...

I am going to agree with Collector Freak. :horror


You know, that wasn't so hard afterall. :eek:

I actually want to want this one, I even nearly sank a GC on this, but just for the life of me can't. :monkey2