Yup. Now I'm thinking about getting a bike for her. I guess the exact bike isn't out there but the yellow Ducati or one of those others will do the trick
I was thinking about getting one before, but then I think I'd have that feeling of it not being screen accurate bugging me. Does make a cool looking display though.
Am I imagining things, or did Wake say he was getting a bike made for him?
LOL. You will argue till the cows come home because the shoe laces are the wrong color but now 'the yellow ducati or one of those other will do the trick'?!? LMAO
Since we're back on the shoelaces again, I admit, I might blame you a bit Wake for that. Whether it's rightfully placed or not. I guess because I expected you to bring it to iMiniMe's attention.
Are the shoe laces sculpted?
Will the shoe lace colour be corrected?
What does the inside of the helmet look like? I want to know if it looks like an empty helmet when it's off, or if it has a joint to connect to the neck, or if it actually acts like a real helmet, & goes over the hairless sculpt.
If I was more comfortable & skilled at doing self mods to pricey figs, it might not be such a big deal, but I'm not. What's even more disappointing is that I wanted to buy a pair with corrected shoelaces, but I wasn't even able to do that because of the limited #. Even giving money to iMinime couldn't solve itThe laces are sculpted. Color can be corrected I'm sure. The helmet is a solid resin piece with a joint to allow for mounting on a body.
. He gets these things in hand to photograph. No one sees the flaws up-close and hands on better than him. I though that bringing inaccuracies to Denny's attention was part and parcel of his involvement. But it looks like pointing out areas that could use improvement is still our job (i.e. the BrBa thread)
Mike you need to stop with the persecution complex bro… I just made a comment pointing out the irony of someone who typically writes lengthy posts detailing the smallest inaccuracies going ahead and buying a bike for his figure that isn't the correct model let alone the correct make.
And I know you don't like my standing with Denny… you've made that perfectly clear not only to me but also by going behind my back on a couple of occasions with the express purpose of undermining me. Thankfully those you went to understand loyalty.
That's using the old noodle! Good thinking, I'm going to check that in a little while
The logos were made up. . . they're not in the credits.
Hello guys! I believe it was the last person to receive Angry Bride and O-Ren. Arrived only this week, but I am well pleased. I regret not having done the update of katanas, but ... ok! I had bought the set Dx Bride and arrived missing the helmet, it was a big disappointment, I'm waiting for Denny send me it! I took some pictures, I hope you all enjoy! Whoever wants to see others are on my Flickr