Super Freak
i think the definite order should be as follows....elle.....go-go.....Bill....
maybes.....pai mei.....vernita....Bud.....
maybes.....pai mei.....vernita....Bud.....
Seems like he said Denny wasn't seriously considering it after lackluster sales of the Bride and, particularly, O-Ren.Wake do you think there is a way of getting a third or fourth KILL BILL figure made?
i think the definite order should be as follows....elle.....go-go.....Bill....
maybes.....pai mei.....vernita....Bud.....
Go-Go is so overrated round here.
i think the definite order should be as follows....elle.....go-go.....Bill....
maybes.....pai mei.....vernita....Bud.....
Go-go is popular for one reason and only one reason... she's an attractive girl in a school girl outfit that takes place in a very fan boyish film, its crazy at cons every girl is like worshipped haha, even the ones who aren't even that attractive, once the guys there see these girls dressed up as something provocative they get fan boy crushes haha... sorry Pop, not saying this is your reason for liking her I am just explaining her popularity haha
Take Tarantino's most popular character (not sure who it is), have some amazing cosplayer dress as him and stand him next to a semi attractive girl as Go-go and see who gets more attention hahaha
I knew this anti-GOGO talk would draw Pop out!.....I still insist that as a stand alone figure GOGO would look awesome....imagine the spike ball and chain with the charmed dagger....superb, IMO. This is about the figure after all, even though we still have our biases with the KB film saga and the characters, not every character comes across as meaningful as the ones currently mad and the aforementioned.
IDK brother, I don't agree with you there. I don't feel that she's that attractive or even looks that good in a school girl uniform. I mean we're not talking about Scar-Jo in a school girl outfit or something. I strongly believe that the fandom comes from the reasons that I've mentioned. Those are the reasons that I've personally always been a fan of the character and I'm really not all that attracted to her sexually
Part of the attraction might also be the fact that she comes off as a genuine psychopath, which not a lot of actresses do convincingly IMO. That makes her distinctive.