Clone Wars series >>>>>> PT imo.
It's not a dead horse when i am specifically asking about THEATER viewings and viewings thereafter. Or maybe it is, and i just don't pay enough attention to the SW threads.![]()
I would be shocked to hear that you weren't the only one. The idea that there could be more than one is ridiculous. It's so glaringly self-evident that I'm surprised that you even had to ask. Everyone loves the prequels, except for you.
Clone Wars series >>>>>> PT imo.
I'm old school having watched all of the originals upon their original release dates in the theatre-- and obviously I loved them (and still do-- just ask my bank account). When the prequels were announced I was uber excited and I ended up seeing TPM eight times in the theatre-- I also saw the other two prequels multiple times and I own all of the dvd's. In fact, if there's nothing on and SPIKE tv are showing them I'll invariably leave it on. Now how can this be?... I didn't watch the PT (and I still don't) with the same eyes that I saw the OT with-- I left high expectations outside the theatre and watched them as a separate entity. Those that attempt to compare the PT to the OT are always going to find failure-- Stop being Sisyphus and choose to either enjoy or not to enjoy-- There is no try to enjoy.![]()
The specific question is irrelevant when at its core it's just another PT bashing because they're not the OT.
Which did you prefer as a villain, Darth Maul or Darth Vader?
Who was the stronger heroine, Padme or Leia?
Who was cooler, Mace Windu or Lando?
Who was more loveableslap), Jar Jar or those wonderfully cutesy ewoks?
The specific question is merely a bread crumb that leads to digging up the long ago dead horse and submitting him to more merciless beatings-- but to each their own.
I love it when i warrant responses from wannabe intellectual board members that think they've mastered clever wordplay.![]()
The specific question is irrelevant when at its core it's just another PT bashing because they're not the OT.
Which did you prefer as a villain, Darth Maul or Darth Vader?
Who was the stronger heroine, Padme or Leia?
Who was cooler, Mace Windu or Lando?
Who was more loveableslap), Jar Jar or those wonderfully cutesy ewoks?
The specific question is merely a bread crumb that leads to digging up the long ago dead horse and submitting him to more merciless beatings-- but to each their own.
I love it when i warrant responses from wannabe intellectual board members that think they've mastered clever wordplay.![]()
He's not alone...they stink..but I will still watch if they are on TV..some start to grow on me...but I dont even consider them in the same class as the OT. I do own them on DVD but have yet to watch them since buying them on DVD.
Not a big Star Wars fan.
As on outsider, here are my thoughts:
If I sit down to watch any of the movies again it will be 2 movies in this order:
The only part of the universe that I really find compelling is the fall and redemption of Anikin story.
The rest is just creatures and politics to me. *runs and hides*