Super Freak
Sugo Toys still have it up for preorder. I grabbed it before I saw OSK is getting it a
How long does it take them to receive their inventory after release?
Sugo Toys still have it up for preorder. I grabbed it before I saw OSK is getting it a
How long does it take them to receive their inventory after release?
--Kit give you any heads up about what the stock situation looks like? Does he just have a few extra or did he buy a full inventory on top of pre-orders?
--well damn, hopefully I can get an order in with Kit
--Glad I got in early on this figure. Two years early.![]()
--Sugo are reasonably quick. It’s hard to say because it’s third party and it would go from HK to them in Australia and then back out to you. OSK i assume would be the quicker option to US.
I would have use OSK but didn’t know they were getting more in stock at the time. I had canceled my TW order because I refuse to use them anymore. Plus I had loyalty at Sugo to use and they are local to me.--
I'm in the US (Florida) and on average delivery from OSK to me is about 14-18 days.
OSK uses 4PX. Once the shipment arrives in the US, it's transferred to the USPS for final delivery.
I'm not in a hurry/rush about receiving orders. As long as I receive it well packaged (that OSK does very well) and damage free, I'm good. I never received a damaged item from OSK ever.
I would much rather use OSK but if supply is very limited and people are lining up for I don't want to miss out . I am in the U.S. as well , I don't mind waiting an extra week or three if it means I get it.--
I'm in the US (Florida) and on average delivery from OSK to me is about 14-18 days.
OSK uses 4PX. Once the shipment arrives in the US, it's transferred to the USPS for final delivery.
I'm not in a hurry/rush about receiving orders. As long as I receive it well packaged (that OSK does very well) and damage free, I'm good. I never received a damaged item from OSK ever.
That's kinda where I'm at as well. Kit is always my first choice but if he just has a few extra left over I doubt I'll be rapid fire enough to catch it and order before the line of people already interested.I would much rather use OSK but if supply is very limited and people are lining up for I don't want to miss out . I am in the U.S. as well , I don't mind waiting an extra week or three if it means I get it.
--I would much rather use OSK but if supply is very limited and people are lining up for I don't want to miss out . I am in the U.S. as well , I don't mind waiting an extra week or three if it means I get it.
Kit do you have a picture of the other head sculpt. The smiling one
--That's kinda where I'm at as well. Kit is always my first choice but if he just has a few extra left over I doubt I'll be rapid fire enough to catch it and order before the line of people already interested.
Not sure yet, we need to re-calculate the cost when we received the figure, that's why we didn't list it up for sale yetKit, what will be the price for any extra stock when it goes up at OSK? Tempted on this one…
Thanks for the info, I am registered on the website and I submitted a request today to join the FB group so awaiting confirmation from that . I am definately not ordering one from ebay , all of the listings I have seen are from known scammers. I will be around this weekend as well keeping my eye one things ,guess I will hold out to see what happens.--
Honestly, I personally wouldn't fret. That's just me though.
Kit did post somewhere in this thread he ordered extra inventory/stock. From what I understand, he ordered enough two years ago to cover committed pre-orders. Over time, there are those who can their pre-order for whatever reason, but final pre-order processing/reconciliation doesn't occur until shipment is in hand, invoices sent, invoice payments received, and orders shipped with tracking numbers. Once the POs are squared away, then if any extras remain from cancelled pre-orders Kit posts announcements to that effect on his business FB page and the OSK FB group with how many are available and it's first come first serve.
As far as I know, he didn't accept new pre-orders since the PO cut-off window from two years ago so he's not taking orders for inventory he doesn't have. He already posted/said here and within the group he's going to open up ordering this weekend or Monday at the latest. Once the ordering link is active/open, then customers will need to sign-in to their OSK account and submit their order with payment. From my understanding, his inventory/ordering system functions in a way where X amount is allocated to be available and once X amount is reached, then the item is no longer available for ordering so no one is going to end up inadvertently paying for it once it hits the sell out point.
I didn't mean to besiege you with so much granular details, but I figure the more collectors know about how a business is transparent in how they fulfill orders, payments, etc., then more knowledge collectors have in making an informed decision.
I believe all vendors who are receiving their proper shipment is going to be busily engaged in the coming weeks.
Speaking from experience, don't fall for the hype/hysteria and end up making an ill-informed choice/decision. Don't fall prey to scalpers. I believe the usual assortment of scalpers will try to take advantage of the hype for the figure.
If you're not registered at OSK, then you may want to do so to make checkout and payment easier and faster.
If you're a member of the OSK Facebook group, keep an eye out there for the announcement.
If you're not a member of the OSK Facebook group, then please consider joining.
If I'm around here this weekend and usually I am, I'll post a heads up once I see ordering is live. Kit will likely beat me to it though.
I hope this helps you and others. If you and others don't get it from OSK, it's understandable. Just exercise due diligence regardless of which vendor you end up getting it from.
--Thanks for the info, I am registered on the website and I submitted a request today to join the FB group so awaiting confirmation from that . I am definately not ordering one from ebay , all of the listings I have seen are from known scammers. I will be around this weekend as well keeping my eye one things ,guess I will hold out to see what happens.
Does anyone notice the sleeves a tad too short?Agreed the DX05 pants were a bit baggy, The pants on this figure look way too tight.
Pants are not overly baggy but sure are not tight.
I was only getting this fig for the sculpts anyway and they look good. Looks like he has no neck but that might just be the way he isn't posed here?
The satchel strap is accurate and the leather jacket looks good to. I also like the shoes
Yeah, I noticed that immediately. I'll wait until I get one to see if it's an issue. I'll cut a few mm's off the arms if need be.Does anyone notice the sleeves a tad too short?