The fact that I need to justify my comment is outrageous, you really need to go back and start from the beginning to get the idea of this guy. But you have free will, you do what you want. But this is my last comment on this guy.
Sure... I need to chill. However, first you might want to see my first comment before you judge what I said in return. Seeing as my comment had nothing to do with him or his son. I don't feel the need for pity or use a comment to go with something that completely had nothing to do with his son to get people on his side. But since we need to play the personal game and act like high schoolers. I guess Ill start. Court is in session lol!!! First and foremost.
I was in the military I lost a brother 2 years apart countless of friends an uncle both grandparents and my grand father in a time frame of two years. Yet the guy said and I quote " I don't care about what you did in the military." Before I even said anything about the breeding comment. Now I can be a child and interpret it like he did and say I lost my brother and friends who served with me while in the military. But Im a bigger person and do not need to stoop to his games and I don't feel the need to make everything about me, especially on a statue forum. It's not necessary. Si basically, he did the same thing to me first. But this is so stupid. Im sitting here laughing.
First, the comment, he used it to his advantage. It had nothing to do with his Son. I don't know this guy at all. Second the comment was a joke to begin with and he knew that with me putting LOL. Third, this is a forum I never brought up anything personal it was about the statue. However, since somehow this **** came back on me for some reason. Which makes absolute no sense at all. Of course I feel empathy for someone who lost a family member. I am not heartless.
But I have empathy but not toward people who go looking for it. If he did lose a son of course he has my condolences. It was never regarded toward that. But sociopaths used comments like this and run with it. But whatever, this has got to be the stupidest thing I am defending. Maybe we can all get on with our lives now. Since this guy (the troll) not you, decided to come here in the first place and ruin the vibe.
Im done with this BS, you want to buddy buddy with guy go for it. Hes all yours. Save me the hassle from hearing from him. Now can we get back to the statue!!!