Casey McCabe custom bio-heads...
Perhaps not by themselves, but personally if I'm already paying over $1500 for this statue, I'd rather have as many extras and switchout options as possible.
Looks like this guy is finally up on BBTS. Is the Gort(?) and closed mouth heads EX really worth the $200 extra?
Looks like this guy is finally up on BBTS. Is the Gort(?) and closed mouth heads EX really worth the $200 extra?
Messaged SugoToys and got them to stock this guy for those in Australia looking for a distributor. Should be $100-$200 AUD cheaper to get him from there as it'll cost me around $3400 after import taxes from P1.
Would've gone with them if they had this guy up for PO months ago. Not worth switching considering I've already paid the PO deposit
Looks like this guy is finally up on BBTS. Is the Gort(?) and closed mouth heads EX really worth the $200 extra?
So they are definitely getting this? I haven't PO'd yet as I was waiting to see the painted final version of Infinity Studio's one, but if I get this I'd rather go local if possible.
Yeah they have him for PO right now. I asked them to put all Alien / Pred pieces up in the future as I'd like to get them locally now that I know SugoToys sells Prime 1