The most impressive thing statue-wise ever...I think the poor lighting and pics do a disservice to the sculpt- a must buy for me
The neutral blank stare expression on the head sculpt probably doesn’t help either.
MOVE this to the STATUE forum moderators please!
Got to meet K.A.Kim at the Sideshow booth and asked her to pose in front of her Amazing piece of Art.
Def the show. It's very specific in detail to S3E7 in Yunkai. Besides that, no one reads Nearly all high end dolls/statues from the big companies are based on movies,TV and games. Unfortunately. You could pass it off as a book version of you wanted, I imagine. Just get those eyes painted purple.Maybe the license is for pieces based on the book, rather than the show? Can't tell if the eyes are purple, but that would be an indicator. Seems unlikely, though.
If it is supposed to represent the show, as expected, I'm not sure what is going on here, to be honest. Because I can't see any Emilia Clarke in there at all, really.
Pics by Toyark:
dem nips though.