Just got the email. My waitlist for the EX is converting on this! Got on within 24 hours.
Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
Congrats!! Love this piece, can't wait to get him
Just got the email. My waitlist for the EX is converting on this! Got on within 24 hours.
Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
Weird - I have been on the waitlist for a month and have not converted....I mean a few weeks...not a month
Weird - I have been on the waitlist for a month and have not converted....I mean a few weeks...not a month
I got on within 24 of it going on wait-list. So if you got on much later, then yours might not convert today. Will probably convert later if anything.
Any news surface on the black variant? Still waiting on that one.
Or a gold Batman variant.
I love this line so much. I said I'd never get into 1/3, but this line seriously has me contemplating Batman, Ivy, Catwoman, Harley and Joker.
Joker/Harley? I’ve only seen Batman/Superman/Ivy/Huntress/Catwoman/Nightwing.
I love this line so much. I said I'd never get into 1/3, but this line seriously has me contemplating Batman, Ivy, Catwoman, Harley and Joker.