How is it an insult to call them large plastic toys?
Action Figure
a toy figure with jointed, movable limbs, representing a character in a cartoon, movie, etc., or a real person or animal, often one known for exciting action or extraordinary powers.
Action Figure
A small, usually molded plastic toy figure, often having movable joints and typically representing a character from a movie, television show, comic book, or other popular entertainment medium.
Definition of action figure
: a small-scale figure (as of a superhero) used especially as a toy
If you can find a legit dictionary definition of a statue defined as an expensive nerd hummel, go right ahead and call them that. If not your just slinging insults. If anybody seems to be in denial, I would have to say its not the P1 collectors. Seem to be more and more insecurities showing in this thread.
If your a toy collector, wear it proudly. Come out of the closet already. Realize this is a statue thread, not the toy thread. You dont need to be in here seeking our affirmation. There is a whole thread dedicated to the Necas. You guys are in here, in a foreign thread, preaching to a lot of people who really dont want to collect toys for many of the already stated reasons- cheaper plastic, exposed joints, etc. These arent insults, theyre simple facts. Have some tolerance.