Super Freak
Yea, but evilbay will always be the last resort!as much as I love Grimlock, I think I made the right decision to go ahead with my Megatron order. After all, nothing beats having the main hero and villain from the movie right
and the two of them side by side will make an awesome display! Still, had I of PO'd Grimlock, I'm pretty certain I would've displayed him on his own rather than with Optimus on his back...
I love Prime 1 and everything they have shown us looks amazing but I had to be sensible when it came to these Transformers due to the size and price so realistically I had to cap my choice to 2 pieces. It just makes sense to have the main "goodie" and "baddie" and I think we share similar tastes.
You've made the right decision man

It is a hard one to make though because in a perfect world I would love to own them all!!