Finished my acrylic case DIY to display this bad boy (check it out on my DIY blog
here). This is currently the best statue that I have. I pretty much like everything about this statue (size/weight, paint application, battle damage effects, amount of details, interchangeable extra parts, wired cape, the colors, the base, the imposing presence, and the overall quality).
This Batman statue version will be very difficult to top, simply because of the amount of details and texture that this armored Bat-Suit has. I don’t think any other representation of the Batman costume has this wide variety of mixed materials (cloth body suit, elastic, leather, carbon fiber, Kevlar, brushed metal, stainless steel, armor plates, and mechanical components). All these different materials help provide to a very interesting, imposing and visual pleasing statue design. It helps that Prime 1 is a master at bringing out all these detailed design elements. This may not be the traditional Batman version that everyone knows, but I think it’s a great modern update that retains enough iconic elements (cowl, bat symbol, utility belt, cape, gauntlets) that makes him instantly recognizable.
I’m sure Prime 1 can produce other Batman statues that will look good in other ways, but the amount of mixed material details in this Bat-Suit will never be matched (in my opinion). However, only time will tell … can’t wait to see future reveals from their Batman line.