Prime 1 Studio Batman Arkham origins Bane Statue

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Curious to see the full reveal, too. Wanna see how compelling this will be......
This is gonna look BOSS! This is the only video game version of the character that I like. The over muscled Hulk style Bane of AA and AC did nothing for me. The AO Bane was just right IMO.
I thought the Bane with the Jacket and Arms Folded was the better of the Two Bane's.
It would be a real shame if they scrapped that entirely.
Where's this rumor coming from about them scrapping the jacket version?

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He said " Ha ha just kidding. Nothing has been decided yet maybe it will be a separate release with a small Es. At least from your reaction, P1 is hearten to know that this will be a day 1 Po for u 😊" in response to it being scrapped.

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I'm all in for Any Bane that come's out. For such a popular villian there is not many statue's of him at all.
I always wondered, why does he have cut marks/scars around his eyes? Was that explained in the game? I forgot if it was even shown, it's been so long since I've played, haha.










Cool how they made the base smaller to adjust for Bane's height so that this doesn't screw up anyone's display case (different heights for 1/3 line).

I'm actually surprised it's only 34." I would've preferred the base to be the same height as the other character so that Bane towers over them.
At that point I'd just add a base under it to raise the height. Rather have a statue that's too short than too tall. I personally prefer the boss version but you can't really go wrong with eithee.
I don't like this leather jacket look at all. he looks like a biker. Bane needs to have his musculature on display, not covered up. Prime1 has knocked the ball out of the park so far, but IMO this may be their first miss :(