Yeah, I kept seeing it under their Last Chance category even though it doesn't say anything about low stock on the page (sometimes it only says it for in stock items) so I didn't want to chance it either. $30 off is not a bad discount, cuts the shipping by half to me, but I just hate that feeling you get when a couple of weeks later, a 15% coupon qualifies with it and you're like, dammit, why didn't I just wait...
But either way, I guess it has replaced Suicide Squad Harley as my first Prime 1 piece. I'm still hoping it gets delayed so I can cancel for Jim Lee Bats (or Arkham Origins Bats), even though I still think a 1/3 Margot Robbie is nice to have...
I'm so weak, haha, I told myself only Batman and Superman 1/3 statues... end up ordering SS Harley, then waitlist for Freeze, then Joker, now this.
When's their comic con? Is it around the same time as SDCC? I just realized, whenever they have items they want to get rid of, they amp up the discounts... if this doesn't sell out by then, watch it get a nice hefty one.