Statue Prime 1 Studio - Optimus Prime

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I have no doubt he will be there and I will be sure to take lots of photos for you guys to drool over lol.

YEY!!! :woo I forgot you get to go to Comic Con each year! Awesome...and I am not jealous....MUCH!! :lol Pics would be awesome and if I could put in a personal request of some close up pics of the Iron Man MKVII and Dr Doom LSF's please :pray: :hi5:
if I could put in a personal request of some close up pics of the Iron Man MKVII and Dr Doom LSF's please :pray: :hi5:


If i could make a personal request? Pics of Rocket Raccoon PF if it's there. :lol

Jay, btw have you seen the gentle giant rocket raccoon bust being sold at sdcc?

CANNOT wait for GOTG. seeing it august 1 imax 3dizzzzllleee. yep, that's right 3diizzzzlle. You?

Jay, btw have you seen the gentle giant rocket raccoon bust being sold at sdcc?

CANNOT wait for GOTG. seeing it august 1 imax 3dizzzzllleee. yep, that's right 3diizzzzlle. You?

Yeah bust looks great! I'll be there on the 1st as well. Film looks amazing from the trailers. I'll probably get the HT and SSC statues. Rocket is a must. :D

Yeah bust looks great! I'll be there on the 1st as well. Film looks amazing from the trailers. I'll probably get the HT and SSC statues. Rocket is a must. :D


Alright man! Yeah, it seems the reaction so to the 17 minute preview are great so far. I recently saw a screening of Slither here in LA with James Gunn doing QA and meet and great after. Dude is so humble and hilarious. I really hope this flick is a huge hit and he gets to do a sequel. You can tell a lot of blood, sweat, tears and pure passion went into the project. He's also great to follow on Facebook as well. He loves his cat!! :lol