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He’s a beast, bro! Looks crazy awesome. Congrats and thanks for sharing pics. I don’t have one on PO, but this thing is so impressive looking.
Friday my 4 boxes will come. I feel a cold coming on... cough cough!
I am officially so angry I am about to scream.
One of the pieces that was broken was the inner upper thigh piece.
The tube piece the connects the gun to the back of the body would not fit. I tried and tried but only one side would fit.
I decided to take the gun arm apart a little and I am trying to alig it and the back of the body where it inserts cracked.
If it is that crooked that to align it cause it to crack then there is an issue period.
I am so mad about it. It is a piece that should not need to be forced together. The only way it would fit is to insert the end on the back of the body where there is a peg and then the magnet was crooked like a 30% angle. I tried to swing the arm since there is a little play. It was just lower that the 3/4 circle thing.
I mean $3000 and this piece does not line up and then snaps the body.
Prime 1 is good at fixing issues but how can I even approach this now.Chav you are probably thinking OMG lol but I can't even line it up no matter what.
How did yours fit? It lined up easy?