Prime 1 The Predator - Fugitive Predator Lifesize Bust

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Yeah I heard than the movie was not that good... doesn’t really bother me ... the Predator is still cool ... gonna kept my preorder....also someone on this forum said that the damaged mask is different ... think it is....

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Do we have any pics of the Pred to the left??

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You'd need a huge display area for that lot. But they might make for nice little displays in their own right.
that face looks so much better than Sad Harold in the movie.
They have done a great job from the looks of those pics, and I am sure those that will get him will love him!

BUT, for me personally the movie was terrible, and I really disliked the Fugitive's armor. Plus, he wasn't much of a kickass Pred seeing how he literally got his ass beat and ripped apart halfway into the movie.
They have done a great job from the looks of those pics, and I am sure those that will get him will love him!

BUT, for me personally the movie was terrible, and I really disliked the Fugitive's armor. Plus, he wasn't much of a kickass Pred seeing how he literally got his ass beat and ripped apart halfway into the movie.

Same reason I didn't get it. Hated the movie, don't like the armor, and this will only remind me of that turd .
And btw - It's not 'Literally'. 'Metaphorically', or 'figuratively' maybe.
The movie is an abomination. They took ******** on the fans to a whole new level with this movie. I'm surprised people are even contemplating buying anything from it. Needs to be forgotten and erased from memory.
The movie is an abomination. They took ******** on the fans to a whole new level with this movie. I'm surprised people are even contemplating buying anything from it. Needs to be forgotten and erased from memory.

On the movie, I agree entirely. But I do think that a good creature design is a separate entity to the movie it stars in. Wolf is probably the best example of this, AVP:R was terrible, but it doesn't stop Wolf from being 100% awesome. I don't really like the design of this Predator, so I wouldn't buy any expensive statues (His face is pretty cool though so this bust looks good even to me) But for people who did like the look of this guy, I'm not sure that the movie being so tragic would mean too much.

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