Super Freak
Well, we agree here. I kinda think the Alien here will be on the background, if the story is to follow up saying Im fine with both kind of aliens. i like the alien in the first movie and i like the bug aliens from the second movie. I dont have a problem with either one.
but in this kind of movie, the kind of fast paced horror they are going for, it seems like the bug alien is the one that fits the most.
If they come up with a more suspenseful slower horror story then they can bring up the first alien. and it will work well.
I can' talk about the white Aliens, but they could look good.You talk about originality and they are creating brand new, weird White freaky aliens
So they did try to come up with something new.
they even came up with a new way for them to be born. so technically they did
But Alien: Colonial Marines also brought a lot of new Aliens

Dude, I honestly wish I could stop hating, I do nothing but complain lately, I really wish it wasn't so, but pop-culture gives me so little to work with, and Hollywood messing with the classics makes me so very nervous

I mean as in you in the opposing side of the argument, not as in you don't get stuff.
You're the smartest manlet I know, ese, if you got BvS you'd be a genius.