I don't think CGI looks any worse than planet of the apes.
I also don't think it looks bad, yes, there is a bit of weightlessness to it, but the model itself doesn't look bad imo, I'm not sure if we're just so very conditioned to look at all CGI as uncanny valley, even when it's non-human, I can't help but to think if we actually saw a Xenomorph launching at us, it would look exactly like that.
We're on the very verge of overcoming uncanny valley, it's only a matter of time before we can no longer tell the difference, but we're gonna have to endure the latest movies on which all CGI looks the same, not actually bad, but very eye popping due to the uncanny valley.
I think this UV is reduced to two things, lighting and unnecessary animation. Like Leia and Tarkin, their skin doesn't quite catch the lighting like real skin does, and when trying to "act" they over-emote the tiny facial animations so they never look "right".