Prometheus Sequel (ALIEN: Covenant)

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Re: Prometheus Sequel : Paradise?

^Talking about yourself?? :lol

I think so!
Re: Prometheus Sequel : Paradise?

Re: Prometheus Sequel : Paradise?

I can't decide what's funnier: the way you publicly make an a$$ of yourself with your false accusations or the fact that you stalk various members across the board to make them.
If by stalking you mean going into the television show and movie threads that I'm interested in and unfortunately seeing your ******* posts there, then sure.

You sound very frustrated, a bit paranoid, and prepubescent.
Try not to grind your teeth to dust, eh?


What does it say that such a mature adult is arguing with prepubescents on a toy forum?

Re: Prometheus Sequel : Paradise?

I don't think people know what stalking means.

If I followed you to a random thread in the *** end of the Whedon forums, just to piss you off, then I'd count that as stalking. But commenting on a post from someone in a thread you've been in for a while, is not stalking.

Re: Prometheus Sequel : Paradise?

I hope the sequel tightens up the plot from the original. Prometheus was a great movie, but as that article described, was a bit "messy". I'm not getting into a whole other debate here.

I hope "Paradise" as it is called eventually takes us to LV-426. I could very well see David and Shaw unwittingly or purposely releasing the Xenomorphs on Paradise and causing the extinction of the Engineers in order to save Earth. With one lone ship happening to crash on LV-426.
Re: Prometheus Sequel : Paradise?

Ridley Scott calls AVP an abomination btw
he refuses to watch them

Wow. Too bad, because any and all AvP films are still way better than Prometheus.

Yep, I said it.

I wish Prometheus 2 many ugly, violent deaths as it languishes in Development Hell.

Gully: You sound very frustrated, a bit paranoid, and prepubescent.

The person to whom you were responding is in fact a teenager, and I am guessing a fairly young one. 'Nuff said!
Re: Prometheus Sequel : Paradise?

Wow. Too bad, because any and all AvP films are still way better than Prometheus.

Yep, I said it.

I wish Prometheus 2 many ugly, violent deaths as it languishes in Development Hell.

The person to whom you were responding is in fact a teenager, and I am guessing a fairly young one. 'Nuff said!

Wow. Really? You think AVP is better than Prometheus. OK. :slap

Well...everyone has their own taste.
Re: Prometheus Sequel : Paradise?

At least they are hilarious and self-contained thus enjoyable.
Re: Prometheus Sequel : Paradise?

Oh they're simple/fun action movies. But that's it.

I understand people have different tastes and thats cool. But saying Prometheus was bad...well I just completely disagree. Its in my lists of top Sci-fi films. And that's after giving it much thought.
Re: Prometheus Sequel : Paradise?

Oh they're simple/fun action movies. But that's it.

I understand people have different tastes and thats cool. But saying Prometheus was bad...well I just completely disagree. Its in my lists of top Sci-fi films. And that's after giving it much thought.
Your avatar speaks for itself. :lecture :lol

I'm a big fan - from day one in fact. People like all kinds of things for all kinds of reasons. That should be enough.. but no.

That don't keep the boards alive. :lol
Re: Prometheus Sequel : Paradise?

At least they are hilarious and self-contained thus enjoyable.

Self contained my ***.

Prometheus is self contented. AvP ****s with all kinds of ****. You can't match up the AvP films with the Alien series, because it makes no sense.

One big one being....Aliens already came to earth twice, making Ripley's struggle meaningless.

I really hate people's opinion when they say **** like this. There's no respect, or understanding from me. Hate Prometheus all you want, that's fine...but to say AvP is better? Insulting. Not just as a fan, but as a human. The **** is wrong with you people? :monkey4:cuckoo::slap:monkey1:thwak
Re: Prometheus Sequel : Paradise?

Well, hope the rumors are true and they're actually moving forward.

Now to deal with our resident troll, GullyRama.

Wow. Too bad, because any and all AvP films are still way better than Prometheus.

Yep, I said it.

I wish Prometheus 2 many ugly, violent deaths as it languishes in Development Hell.
Nah, it's miles beyond AvP and AvP:R. Not surprised you'd rate AvP and AvP:R higher though, as it appears you have godawful taste.

The person to whom you were responding is in fact a teenager, and I am guessing a fairly young one. 'Nuff said!
Yup, just turned 18 you ****tard. The fact that you continue to insult said eighteen-year-old that you believe you're so superior to, and still come into threads for films you don't like, only to bash them repeatedly, is best summed up with one word: Pathetic.

Please get out from under your bridge and walk into the sun, you unholy abomination.
Re: Prometheus Sequel : Paradise?

Self contained my ***.

Prometheus is self contented. AvP ****s with all kinds of ****. You can't match up the AvP films with the Alien series, because it makes no sense.

One big one being....Aliens already came to earth twice, making Ripley's struggle meaningless.

I really hate people's opinion when they say **** like this. There's no respect, or understanding from me. Hate Prometheus all you want, that's fine...but to say AvP is better? Insulting. Not just as a fan, but as a human. The **** is wrong with you people? :monkey4:cuckoo::slap:monkey1:thwak

They're just being vindictive.