Prometheus Sequel (ALIEN: Covenant)

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^Not so much if the conspiracy theory is true :lol

It's a homage to this I think:

Man, Giger drew some really freaky ****. Aliens aside, his drawings were damn creepy, and not just because of the monsters. The scenes/themes were also kinda ****ed up.

You know that conspiracy theory that Giger was murdered for what his art depicted? Spoopy.
You know that conspiracy theory that Giger was murdered for what his art depicted? Spoopy.

Well his young girlfriend killed herself because she couldn't handle the spoopyness. Giger was 2edgy4her. His work and personality literally drove her depressed
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I remember walking out of Prometheus very very upset.
I still think to this day that having the planet being lv426 with the engineer death giving birth to the first biomechanoid xenomorph would have been better to close the book on Alien prequel thing.
Here I'm like ok it's a done deal, we are back at square one with the franchise.
Ghost house in space, b movie monster and bad guy.
The movie does look gorgeous, and the gore is really fun has its really mean to the characters.
The way they dealt with Shaw and the Engineers is quite sad, to the characters themselves and to the mythos.
David is interesting to say the least but I'm still not sure it was the way to go...
Argh can't make up my mind.

This is my conflict as well, torn with the overall direction and 'explanation' as to the who and how the xeno came to be. I'm nearly on the side of just saying F it and ignore this direction and just say that who gives a **** where they came from, who created them and WHY they were created. They work just being an unknown organism from somewhere that got out and don't play with with others. No further explanation needed.

Ridley's using the Human vs. AI angle in THIS franchise is misguided. I think that is better spent in the Blade Runner franchise. yes you have the humans creating AI and AI wanting more, but I was OK with AI not being involved in the xeno's creation ark, and just left to AI being the offshoot of human corporate greed, which was well played out in the first two films if you ask me.
You know that conspiracy theory that Giger was murdered for what his art depicted? Spoopy.
Nope, I'm not on that level yet, but let me guess: (((They))) killed him because his art exposed not only the ancient aliens that visited us, but all the **** that goes on in (((their))) cults. Am I close?
Nope, I'm on that level yet, but let me guess: (((They))) killed him because his art exposed not only the ancient aliens that visited us, but all the **** that goes on in (((their))) cults. Am I close?

He knows too much... take him... take him down...

I saw Alien Covenant on Friday. Bit of background, Alien is my favourite film of all time, and I did not think that Prometheus was a good movie. I was severley disappointed on my initial viewing, my feelings towards it have mellowed after time however. I guess I now see Prometheus as watchable, but burdened with a really, really poor illogical script.

Conversely I absolutely loved Alien Covenant, finding it incredibly tense, beautiful and horrifying. There's a touch of madness to it as well that I really appreciated. The overall design and SFX are stunning. Seriously if you think that this has "bad CGI" you really need to get out more. It's far removed from your typical Hollywood bland, homogeneous blockbuster that we get served on an annual basis, and I can't wait to see it again.
I really enjoyed the first half of this movie, but for me personally the second half that starts when David saves them from the runner and leads him to the desolated capitol it all went haywire. I just think that the first half was a good Alien film, the second half trying to be Prometheus part two and not really knowing what to do with it.

I do have one theory about Walter and how it leads into Awakening,

They never showed the end of their fight, and when fake Walter is running after them he keeps looking backwards as if worried Walter is going to come after him. So my feelings is that Walter was incapacitated but not dead, and that he will revive himself enough to take control of an Engineer ship and take after Covenant. Thus, he catches up to David and Daniels and thus ' awakens ' her to a new nightmare.

But overall I did like it more than I thought I would. The crew for what they were were good and a good mix of characters and their roles on the expedition. Though I thought the title screen and how the words appeared on the screen was kind of weird.
Well u have a metal creature with a human skull on its head....

It really was never alien.

Metal? You do realise xenomorph creature never had "metal" parts in his body to start with, do you? "Biomechanical" design look by Giger - yes. Do they really biomechanical? No.
Metal? You do realise xenomorph creature never had "metal" parts in his body to start with, do you? "Biomechanical" design look by Giger - yes. Do they really biomechanical? No.

Well, biomechanical did mean metal parts, just parts of a living organism that grew metallic compounds and other chemicals as part of it's biology. It wasn't a robot, but it did have "metal" parts, like teeth. If you read Giger's books you will see.
I absolutely loved it, but one thing bugged me, especially as I was looking for it.....
If Walter was the superior model and the only one with self repair (for fleshwounds at least, There were plenty of shots of David from below in the last 10/15 minutes showing no hole in his chin from the iron nail. I was expecting the swap,
but was wrong footed as they made it obvious he wasn't injured there...
Metal? You do realise xenomorph creature never had "metal" parts in his body to start with, do you? "Biomechanical" design look by Giger - yes. Do they really biomechanical? No.

It wasn't a robot, but it did have "metal" parts, like teeth. If you read Giger's books you will see.

Was just going to say... uh, silver metal teeth. And likely nails too.

I always imagined the Alien to be a literal example of biomechanical -- there are such things as soft metals. Why not a being that has a kind of "metal" skin or skeletal structure?

Biomechanical is kind of a misnomer today, since we are technically biomechanical -- you can view our biology as functioning on a basic mechanical level. Like we do when comparing the brain to a computer chip. We are more and more realizing that we are in fact biological machines.

Disappointed that no one has liked this movie yet. Means its probably quite disposable if the early-adopters can't even muster energy for it. I see it Weds. Hoping for the best, and maybe my expectations are lowered for better enjoyment.
Got to see it last night.

Overall, I think it's a great sci-fi thriller. Visuals and music are gorgeous, the acting is solid, and the story and questions it raises are very interesting. I'm glad Scott didn't abandon the ideas he was exploring in Prometheus, although the movie feels a lot more like an "Alien" movie than Prometheus. The entire opening sequence is really cool in setting up the themes that will be explored throughout the movie.

It raises questions about love, duty, faith, the disappointment of children when they outgrow their parents, and, of course, the dangers of AI.
As an "Alien" movie, it's just not scary enough, IMHO. I think Scott just doesn't know how to make a truly scary movie anymore. For all its length, I felt it never took the time to really scare you, to just build up that dread of the first movie (and arguably the second and third).
That's not to say it doesn't have very tense moments and lots of excruciating gore, it has lots of that.

Fassbender is great, unfortunately Waterson doesn't have the charisma and presence of either Weaver or Rapace, which is a shame. The star here really is Fassbender as Walter/David, all others are just along for the ride. Nevertheless, I found this crew had more character that the Prometheus crew, and I felt more for them as each faced their inevitable demise.

The creatures were great, I especially loved the neo-alien. Truly scary beast.

Going back to the movie as a whole, it also seemed like a "hommage" of sorts to every single alien movie. I saw references and visual cues to Alien, Aliens, A3, Alien Ressurection and even AvP (no AvP-R, though, thankfully), which I thought was pretty cool.
So, again, it's a great sci-fi thriller, maybe a little lacking in scaryness in order to be a great "Alien" movie.
Biomechanical is kind of a misnomer today, since we are technically biomechanical -- you can view our biology as functioning on a basic mechanical level. Like we do when comparing the brain to a computer chip. We are more and more realizing that we are in fact biological machines.
:lecture mechanical doesn't imply metal, it just implies making physical work via established steps or that it's a machine.

But yeah the Xeno has always been meant to look like a metal machine, so I don't think it's a misnomer, since the design suggests defined parts as if in a machine.

Disappointed that no one has liked this movie yet. Means its probably quite disposable if the early-adopters can't even muster energy for it. I see it Weds. Hoping for the best, and maybe my expectations are lowered for better enjoyment.
I'm gonna go see it in like 2 hours. I'm still kind of excited tbh, but my expectations have dropped sharply, at this point I just expect cool action and gore.

Anyone who hates Aliens has no business making more Alien movies.

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