Super Freak
Keep me updated on which one you decide to get.
I actually just picked up SW: The Force Unleashed (price-drop recently) to tide me over. I also got Prototype as well, but I left it sealed until I finish SW.
I've been wanting Prototype since it was announced a year + ago, so of course I bought it. But after playing the Infamous demo a few days ago, I'm torn. I didn't think Infamous would be THAT fun to play. I'm contemplating exchanging Prototype for Infamous. As many have mentioned, the running around in Prototype gets repetitive, so that worries me. It's beginning to remind me of SM: Web of Shadows and other games with similar game play. Infamous seems to be a whole different scenario though. But now that I own SW: The Force Unleashed, I think I've had my fill of electricity flowing from my fingertips. (ie Sith lightning.)
I ended up getting both (my considerate girlfriend bought inFamous for me).
I wish I could clearly tell which is better, but both are flawed enough in their own ways that picking a clear-cut winner is difficult.
I've had inFamous crash on me twice already and a couple more times Cole glitched and got stuck onto a part of the environment. That's a big no no for me. Prototype never had these issues. It's not an isolated incident either if you've read some reviews.
Prototype is UGLY. The texture-work is often poor and the draw distance is lame. Imagine jumping off a roof of a skyscraper and seeing textures load in only about 20 feet away (in-game length, of course). It annoyed the ^^^^ out of me when I was attempting to find the orbs scattered around the city.
Prototype became repetitive very fast. Sure, there are tons of moves to unlock, but there are so many to remember that I ended up using a very small amount of them. It also doesn't help that most of the moves accomplish the same thing with little variance. What's even worst is that most of the missions in the game don't take advantage of Alex's unique selection of powers. It all feels generic.
InFamous's lightning powers never stopped being fun for me. Because you have the option to go light or dark, there's a definite meaningful variety of moves and THINGS TO ACTUALLY USE THEM FOR. I found myself saving a lot of civilians. Prototype doesn't offer that choice. It's just kill kill kill kill kill kill kill....
It is really fun to run and jump around in Prototype. You can cover a lot of ground by hopping from building to building. InFamous allows fast travel by hovering and grinding rail ways and power lines, but it never feels as fun as it is in Prototype. Cole (in InFamous) kinda "sticks" to the closest environmental object, sorta like a magnet. It helps when you need to make a tricky jump, but it becomes annoying very fast.
As for the story, I didn't care for either (I haven't finished Prototype yet, but I'm close), but I found Cole to be a better character than Alex. I don't really like either of them though, so it's like picking between getting kicked in the nuts or in the face.
I know my long rambling rant won't help you much, and it probably wouldn't help me choose either, but ultimately I think you'll enjoy Prototype for the first few hours while Infamous will entertain until you're done with it. It grows on you.