What are you smoking?
I sorta see your point. If we bring it up to SS I'm sure they will change it. And how come you only have 26 posts?![]()
This thread is funny. Full of funny people.
This piece looks great to me, the eyebrows are fine unless it's under a magnifying glass or someone is close enough to make-out with it and it's an interpretation of a character so if it's not somone's ideal interpretation then move along...Bowen made one.
my girlfriend is a fan of Psylocke.
It's nice to have input and perspectives from everyone, especially since your line of work makes you kind of an expert. I know some anatomists and surgeons who give constructive input regularly on art and scupture and some of them are brilliant artists themselves. (One of the most famous anatomy artists Netter was a doctor.) Everything is subjective, if everyone likes everything all the time they are probably lying to themselves. I guess many people get defensive when faced with differring opinions. If all opinions were just positive all the time, they must have been filtered to some degree and I'm sure the artists and sculptors realise that as well and some of them welcome constructive criticism, although they may not always agree with it.
Lucky man!
I first thought it was about time that a really nice Psylocke was made. I was expecting something on the order of Black Cat or Rogue...then I saw the pictures.
My first reaction was WTF is that? It remains my reaction.
There is no "Psy" in this Psylocke. Yes, she is 'Asian' but the WRONG 'Asian'. 'Asian' is like 'European' Would you say that Hispanics are completely interchangeable with Teutonics? A noob might. Besides, the "hot Asian chick" fetish is really getting old. Especially when the "chick" looks like a post-op T/S model.
A little Psylocke History:
Psylocke was originally one of the lamest characters of the X-Men. She had a huge cape and Kirby-esque armor. The only skin that showed was part of her face. After the response to Elektra...and her subsequent death in the Miller-Mazzucchelli years, someone at Marvel decided to remake their lame character (sister of Capt Britain, who has a different history before becoming Psylocke) into a 'hot Asian chick' (Japanese BTW). The result was a BLUE version of Elektra we recognize today. Her costume was specifically designed to show off T&A, hence the traditional thong outfit.
Part of the identity of this character is the thong...which this statue is sitting on. Nothing about this statue says "Psylocke" but the little sign. Sorry, try again.
Corrose's model choice is a lot closer to the comic character, except that Hu is also not Japanese.
I can't believe it sold out. No, This sculpt has definitely NOT made all Psy fans happy!
Haters rule!
BTW "CANCELATION FEE APPLY"? What kind of English is that??
... 'Asian' is like 'European' Would you say that Hispanics are completely interchangeable with Teutonics? ...
A little note about price:
It is possible to buy a 1:1 scale mannequin -on eBay- for under $200.
Just to give you a scale to base pricing on.
I am not sure where the original Psylocke body came from. I am assuming that the poster feels its from a certain country say Japan for example and this face does not look Japanese.
Maybe a Psylocke expert can chime in to what origin the body came from.
at least we know how you get laid for $200....thanks but TMI.
at least we know how you get laid for $200....thanks but TMI.