Got my shipping notice today! YES!
Thanks! I only had a minor paint issue at the tip of his gun, and then a scuff on the base but I figured I was just being picky if I complained to sideshow. I mean it's normal for it to have some minor things like that, right?
Guys, does the hand gun detach away from holster? same with the knife in the boot?
Gun does, knife doesn't.
I guess the other part of the Ex I didn't consider is the empty sheath to boot on the boot instead of the knife. That way it makes the Ex look like he took the knife out of the boot. But I use both the knife in the boot and the knife in the hand so he can have 2 knives, because 2 is better than 1.
Beyond the fabric costume and what anyone may thick of it, when you look at all the little pieces that make the harness, the straps, pouches, buckles, the little silver buttons/fasteners, the details really are quite nice.
the head will be worked on in a few weeks, I have a casted copy to work on I just to get a good start with these before adding to the workload, still have to finish up my deadpool swords too, which I will be wrapping up very shortly!