Guys - I pm'd BlindVoyeur and he's willing to do some more of his great Punisher T-shirts. I've already confirmed I'm up for one - PM him to get on board.
Guys, I will be casting this on the weekend,
if anyone is interested and have not paid the deposit please do it before then
I won't be making too many, if any, extra casts for this
Well i'm going for the final battle scene with the vest and bow but which of you guys are going with the leather trench and tshirt version?
Wich leather coat will you use?
The one that came with the toy biz is way too large and bulky.
Sorry for slamin Lundgren, I do want to watch it again though. I'd probably get one just to make it complete
I have a sideshow black leather from Buffy (?) I'm gonna use. I've been planning on all the clothing as well. Shirt/jacket combo with Desert Eagle & silver aluminum brief case. I can't use the Toybiz (I agree, it's to bulky) I used it on another fig already. The guy from Versus
destroyed vest with bow (**thank you LA***). This build would be horribly incomplete without your help
yeah the spike sideshow coat is fantastic - you can generally pick the whole figure up pretty cheap. Managed to score a compound bow yesterday so both Thomas Janes are a go for me
Well i will use a true type body with rubber arms sleeve, also i bought the Thot coat and it look great IMO
For the vest you should use the toy biz one. It is too large but can be modded and look accurate.