I agree with knucklefunger's two comments.
To be honest I don't think people give the Punisher War Zone enough credit for what it was. I think unfortunately that the general target audience that went to see it was not intelligent enough to see that it was intentionally a parody and (that's not to even suggest remotely that the movie was an intelligent movie by any means, but I know a lot of people missed the mark on it an what it was supposed to be.)
Personally I always thought that the Punisher would only turn out as a decent movie if it was a dark comedy and a dark comedy alone. It's Ennis' run that made the character great again as opposed to something cool from the 80's but now overplayed. It recognized the parody within the character and brought a refreshing spotlight over it. War Zone had some of that humor in it but IMO didn't even push it quite far enough, scenes like Punisher Bazookaing a guy in mid air could be seen as ridiculous and not in a good way if someone was viewing the movie and taking it too seriously.
When I saw Shoot Em up I thought it was brilliant, but only if you were smart enough to see what a great parody it was, a parody without being a blatant parody. I wished that it was the Punisher instead. This movie tries that approach and what makes it work as opposed to the dreadful Thomas Jane disaster was not only that it didn't take itself too seriously, but that it had the perfect right off the page Punisher which the Travolta movie clearly did not. Ray Stevenson is not a good actor nor was he good in this role as a technical actor but he was brilliant as the Punisher, He was just perfect because he played his role to a tee and he was just so bad ass it was a lot of fun to watch.
Jigsaw's Mason Verger meets Paulie Walnuts was portrayed perfecty. I have to say though that Loonie Bin Jim did annoy me straight out and didn't abd much to the movie IMO.