QMX Star Trek General discussion thread

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Scotty is back in stock so good news , it is not Sold out

I think QMX held some stocks back and now
it is available after the preorder .

Just hope they don’t let Scotty be overproduced
like Khan and Pickard
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I paid in full in December. It's only been 3 months; that's the blink of an eye in the world of 1/6 figures. We all want them asap why so much negativity all the time? I'm not getting any younger but I think I'll live long enough to receive it. They are on their way.

Now I am, admittedly, disappointed if there is a possibility that Sulu might be delayed until September and that they might have pushed back Uhura. There is also a possibility that they are doing that to squeeze in the re-releases of Kirk and Spock in between the other releases, I suppose. I was hoping to have everyone except Chekov and Chapel by the end of the year but there was always the likelihood of delays. That's just the nature of 1/6 collecting.
I can't go diving full-bore into another line, but if they re-release Kirk and Spock, I'm in for them and Uhura. Gotta draw the line there; no space.
I can't go diving full-bore into another line, but if they re-release Kirk and Spock, I'm in for them and Uhura. Gotta draw the line there; no space.
Space is a major, major issue for me too, which means I'll have to quit after TOS, but Star Trek will be the centrepiece of my collection, so who knows...
I got my Scotty on Thursday (from Timewalker Toys). Thanks to the reviews here, I also got the Kahn figure from Sideshow, I was kind of on the fence about him. Glad I decided to get him. I'm waiting for Sulu to go up on QMX, I've never ordered directly from them before. I am loving the TOS figures, definitely my favorite incarnation of Star Trek. I'll have do decide on how far to go with TNG figures. The other series don't hold as much interest for me.

not negativity just that if they are in stick where I ordered and paid in full, and others have had a despatch notice it strikes me as odd, so please don't paint me as someone who is just being negative, I am fully aware of collecting patience I've been doing it for years.
Yeah but I suppose companies process orders in some kind of sequence; they can't process everyone all at the same time. I do find though that there is a roller-coaster attitude on here with dazzling positivity followed by crushing negativity. We need to learn to suppress our emotions and behave logically.

I do think it's interesting that as new figures come out, people go back to buy ones that did not sell out previously. This will be particularly true of the Kirk and Spock re-issues. There is plenty of life left in the line but cash flow is king. They'd prefer to sell out fast I guess.
odd I haven't and I paid in full the day it came up for one order, I hope planet action figures is my taking the money and being selective as to who and when to send out.

Aaron has written on Facebook that those who didn't get the email will be in wave 2, which is supposed to ship June-ish. QMx cut his order by over 25% for some reason, but all orders will be fulfilled in time.

Received my pre-emptive tracking number yesterday for wave 1, which ships Tuesday/Wednesday.
What's not logical about expecting what you paid for to be delivered to you when it arrives in stock. And now they say that the first wave was reduced by 25% because qmx didn't get it right and cut the agreed amount,that in itself breeds negativity in people because companies are not supplying what they said they could. That's just bad business practice on Qmx part, if they say they can supply merchants with the stock they should honour it, Nanjin said he shipped them late because of a recall issue as an now this, it's another Picard style gaff by Qmx and that is what can breed the negativity mentioned.
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I do find though that there is a roller-coaster attitude on here with dazzling positivity followed by crushing negativity. We need to learn to suppress our emotions and behave logically.

How about you do your thing and let others do theirs? Different people have different reactions, opinions and emotions. That's the point of a forum. Let them be.
Aaron has written on Facebook that those who didn't get the email will be in wave 2, which is supposed to ship June-ish. QMx cut his order by over 25% for some reason, but all orders will be fulfilled in time.

Received my pre-emptive tracking number yesterday for wave 1, which ships Tuesday/Wednesday.

June. :horror
How about you do your thing and let others do theirs? Different people have different reactions, opinions and emotions. That's the point of a forum. Let them be.

Yeah IDIC and all that. I suppose I think most of the moaning is hyperbolic and risks sending the wrong message that fans are not enthusiastic about the product if we end up in a negative echo chamber. I suppose I prefer to be surrounded by positivity even in the face of adversity. That's very Trek. ;-p

Even if you are not enthusiastic about the product I'd rather the manufacturers remained ignorant of that fact :-D

Still, on the flip side, where can you moan about things if not in a forum. As long as negativity is balanced by positivity, it should be fine.
Yeah IDIC and all that. I suppose I think most of the moaning is hyperbolic and risks sending the wrong message that fans are not enthusiastic about the product if we end up in a negative echo chamber. I suppose I prefer to be surrounded by positivity even in the face of adversity. That's very Trek. ;-p

Even if you are not enthusiastic about the product I'd rather the manufacturers remained ignorant of that fact :-D

Still, on the flip side, where can you moan about things if not in a forum. As long as negativity is balanced by positivity, it should be fine.

Manufacturers will take very little notice of the small percentage of buyers who happen to frequent these forums and the percentage of those that moan.

They'd be a very poor company if they didn't take in the overall picture. Sales is what they'll be looking at mostly. That's what drives them to continue.
Manufacturers will take very little notice of the small percentage of buyers who happen to frequent these forums and the percentage of those that moan.

They'd be a very poor company if they didn't take in the overall picture. Sales is what they'll be looking at mostly. That's what drives them to continue.

I hope so, because the sales seem quite healthy at the moment.
I don't think a customer complaining about a store's shipping and order fulfillment practices will reflect on QMX...and the fact that buyers who have paid for the item are anxious to receive it should hopefully show QMX if they read this (probably not) that there is a lot of enthusiasm for the line.
I don't think a customer complaining about a store's shipping and order fulfillment practices will reflect on QMX...and the fact that buyers who have paid for the item are anxious to receive it should hopefully show QMX if they read this (probably not) that there is a lot of enthusiasm for the line.

thank you exactly right.
thank you exactly right.

They do read the thread (although who knows how often) and have stated on the thread previously that they are happy for people to contact them to discuss issues.

I think it's fine to discuss issues both good and bad on here. I suppose what I was trying to say is that we have had a recent bout of positivity which came after quite a prolonged period of largely negativity and the positivity was so much nicer to be involved with. I'd be sad if we slid back into too much negativity just because Nanjin isn't posting every day with updates.

A purely positive echo chamber isn't desirable either but I do enjoy it more!

Of course, if I become too negative about negativity, it may end up being a self-fulfilling prophecy. I need to go away and contemplate this on the Tree of Woe.
I think the negativity came from the line seeming to be dead with no updates on all of the amazing figures that were teased at SDCC...once again that seems justifiable. Since Nanjin reassured everyone that there is life in the line and then shortly after Scotty finally released and Sulu is clearly on the way there has been overwhelming positivity. I think most of us would agree that another collector posting about having paid and not received a shipping notice while others have, is a legitimate question and effort to compare notes to understand the status of an order and does not qualify as "negativity" toward the figure line.