Reckless heads are more animated, true.
Unless is ok for the neck and the head to have different color, otherwise any “realistic” skin texturing or whatsoever will eventually scratched because of flexion.
(In order to have identical skin texturing. both parts must be the same material and have the same production process. Paintups are equally Non-Scratch resistant
HT tried to use magnets years ago, and they still do on some. But mostly phased out from “Better Looking” head sculpt.
Their good heads (that means realistic) always have necks. Appearance always come first in HT production.
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Well, at least I can answer something to that. For the record, the second neck I showed a picture of, the one that is sculpted with a realistic skin texture and painted with a realistic paintjob simulating human skin, is a Hot Toys Falcon neck. The first neck, plain, not finely sculpted, not painted, is a Hot Toys Nick Fury v1 neck:
1) Concerning colour matching: I'd say (might be wrong) that if neck-head colour matching is 90%, everybody can live with it. So, there is some slack to be cut.
2) Concerning colour applications in general: I guess that once a figure enters production, crucial details like the exact colour to be used on each paint application on a head are more than fixed. As a result, all heads would have what we could call an "average skin colour", and this would be the same on all heads.
3) Concerning paint applications on the neck being scratched away because of "friction" (I guess Mr Nanjin meant that insteal of "flexion") due to frequent repositioning of the head: even if I can easily imagine ways of minimizing rubbing the base of the head against the top of the neck, almost keeping the vertical surface of the neck (Adam's apple included) from rubbing at all, I agree with Mr Nanjin that, at least at the very top of the neck, any paintjob will eventually rub away. BUT there is a big area of the neck that never rubs with the head and would clearly benefit of realistic paint applications, including the aforementioned vertical surface of the neck and Adam's apple.
4) My proposal: casting the neck (sculpted with a highly detailed 3D skin texture) in a different colour than that of the head, a colour closer to the average skin colour of the head. That neck will then go through different paint applications than those on the head (probably quite fewer applications), which will increase realism a bit while bringing the plastic colour ANOTHER BIT CLOSER to the average skin colour of the finished head.
This way, after sustained (but careful, since we are loving collectors) neck-head rubbing, there should be only a small, barely visible part of the top of the neck that will show the underlying plastic colour, while the vast majority of the neck will retain its paint applications. This disruption won't be very noticeable because the base colour of the neck will be close enough to the average colour of the head's skin. But both neck and head will look great, and the neck will be doubly-jointed.
So, I'd say that scratching is not a problem. And Hot Toys seems to agree with me: the Falcon neck is proof of that.
DISCLAIMER: I don't know of any other Hot Toys figure with "detailed neck" other than the Falcon. That is weird. Can any expert in the room contribute anything on this respect?
5) Concerning magnets and Hot Toys: magnets are not necessary to keep the neck from rubbing the head. You only need to be careful to avoid it almost completely. HT use magnets whenever they need to. The used it centuries ago on the DX-02 Batman (the one with light-up eyes), and they have used them again recently with the latest Maul because it sports PERS. They don't use them because normally they are not necessary. And yes, Hot Toys favours necked heads, but they also favour sculpted boots, still in 2019... Looks is not everything in ARTICULATED ACTION FIGURES, and HTs is known to make mistakes from time to time. Let's not just get too carried away by what HT does...
I know I can be an ******* sometime. Because I would take things personally. But without this ******* attitude, I wouldnt be able to function among wolves in China. Of course doesnt mean I am doing the right thing, but I am sure the actions I took, extends the existence of 1/6 trek.
I am extremely protective of anything or anyone under my responsibility. I take everything personal. Saying my girls didnt paint the figures well is like pointing fingers to my nose.
I know I shouldnt, but I function like a herd dog protecting my sheeps from the wolves.
My employment at QMx is.coming very soon, but I really want to clarify to those who didnt know me before 2016.
Those who are in this venture with me since.2010 should know I am not QMx, and QMx is not me. QMx was no where in sight when we were all excited about1/6 trek that we were doing. These friends should already aware that “Bringing 1/6 trek to my friends” was and always had been my prime Directive. As most would know, I never stop, and I wont.
What I want to do, is my own desire and at my own cost.
Btw, season 2 uniforms were my proposed exclusive.
I like them [emoji4]
In regards to the issues that were mentioned above, I had addressed them on 2016 Sept. But without a character specific body, how can any of those be done? Yet, I planned for this to happen in 2018 since 2016 -- a Green Leisure Kirk with his own body. Note that I ended up producing the bodies myself.... putting myself in great danger, grey area - conflict of interest, adding to this, I might not get my money back because I think most people hates me. See how far I would go to keep Trek alive?
I am functioning less than 40% of my full abilities in 1/6.
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One of the main reasons I kept coming to SSF back in the early days was because of Nanjins original small run of TOS figures. Some of my first customs I ever owned and I’m so happy to have been along for the ride the whole time. Thanks for all your passion and dedication to Trek Nanjin!!
Wow, those are some reveals!!! BTW, Mr Nanjin you can rest assured that not everybody hates you.
I was not aware that the business environment in China was so brutal, nor that your 1/6 Trek history and merits went so long back in time...
Concerning the issues I raised in my write-up, anything to say, Mr Nanjin? I mean the bull neck, head-body proportions, unrealistic body build, etc. BUT PLEASE DO NOT TAKE THIS PIECES OF CRITICISM AS PERSONAL ATTACKS!!!
Concerning your only giving 40% of your full potential: Mr Nanjin, you clearly need to found and run your own 1/6 company to fully live out your dream, just as Howard Chan did with Hot Toys!
My girl only had one eye. She never touched a paint brush 6 months ago.
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Mr Nanjin, it is my understanding that the girl working for you that you refer to, might be handicapped, what to me really propels you as an employer to the highest levels of respect I can feel for another human being (particularly when we know that females are not very welcome in China by families in general, which by law can only have one child), but I don't fully understand the "never touch a paint brush"... What do you mean exactly? Did she do that awesome head after only 6 months of training???
Those were the good old days. Let me tell you something. In 2012, I was diagnosed with cancer. So I disappeared from SSF for that entire year while going through chemo. I didnt tell anyone except one colleague.
My mind was anchored on to the to-be-relase twok figures “I must finish twok,” Then in the following year, I had some serious depression. Again, twok pulled me through.
Adding to other reasons, this is why I am so into 1/6 trek. They can bring smiles to my friends, they created hopes for the unfornturenates, they pulled me through the darkest nights, they fulfilled my 4o years old promises.
They are more than just action figures. They have accomplished more then anyone could imagine behind the scene.
The buyers are the supporters of all these. I cant disappoint them as long as I am here.
Smiles are the best reward.
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Wow. Again, that is some reveal, right there!
I am just so glad that your passion made you stronger than your illness, and that you eventually defeated. Passions can be unhealthy, but they can also make you stay alive and kicking.
Certainly as you put it, to you these figures seem to have transcended the realm of toys as to me the OT of SW has transcended the realm of good movies. I guess that to you, as OT to me, are rather symbols of a long gone era of high quality content. I am not going to go into detail about the whys, but the era of creativity à la Tolkien, à la Blade Runner, à la Close Encounters, á la Indiana Jones, à la Jaws, à la Tron, à la BTTF, à la ST, or à la SW seems long gone to never return. In the midst of this ocean of highly successful-but-forgettable **** we live in, those movies stand as magical relic machines that one day came down from the Gods, that keep working as well as ever, but nobody remembers how they work. In that respect, to me OT stands for a way of doing things with quality, depth and uniqueness. Nothing produced this days (no, nothing, including GoT) fully satisfies those 3 requirements.
Keep up the good work Mr Nanjin!
(and let's discuss and fix the elephants in the room!)