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I wish this version wore the the Green Wraparound. I would have picked it up immediately, as I already have the first version.

I would then have one version sitting in his chair and the other displayed with Spock, Bones and Scotty on the transporter pads.
Guys I bought the original MIB never displayed
Kirk & Spock set I am letting go at cost if you
guys want a set and prefer the original bodies

PM me if interested.

31A8BF64-3BEA-41F9-848D-1F739D627C48.jpeg58ABBA6D-EC36-4AB4-A70E-883BF9B05F4E.jpeg25997B84-5362-4B1F-B1C9-F77644270C9C.jpeg25997B84-5362-4B1F-B1C9-F77644270C9C.jpegCE255118-72EE-4127-A40C-302B44F5CA9E.jpegI had a chance to open these last night and compare them to my first release versions .too lazy to post more/better pics but I thought I?d share my review.

The first thing I want to say is that if anyone from QMX is reading this, without knowing the details of what happened or the working relationship as a customer who?s actually bought the same fifures twice from you I did so purely because I trust nanjin as the relentless innovator for trek and his quest for perfection. You cut him off when he?s made a MONUMENTAL step towards perfection and it?s sad his momentum was just starting. You should really second guess your choice on severing that relationship, I?m not sure I trust trek without nanjin.

These releases are probably some of the finest I?ve ever seen in 1/6 and yes that means that every part is pretty much better than the first release so those who bought both. Get ready to sell your first release complete (I?ll just be keeping the belts and exclusive items myself)

Overall Kirk: 4/5
Overall Spock: 4.5/5


not much difference from the standard release here, I noticed kirk?s pad has a different look to the buttons but that?s about it, but these don?t come with the exclusive items and belts from the first so a little extra bonus for us who have been here since the beginning.

The hands are all painted so much nicer and look more high end. They are all the same from the first release except the relaxed hands are now reused from Picard.

3/5 for being nice but light.


This is where things SHINE. I am obsessed with these bodies I actually want a whole bunch for other customs. Nanjin how can I get these? They say Polaris on them. Quality is insane and build will be useful for so many other figures.

I can?t tell you how bang on the build is for Spock it?s like night and day to the last release. My only nit on it is it felt a bit skinny in the waist and not full in the crotch area so I padded that area with athletic tape.

Kirk is probably better than his old body but still off I think. His torso piece is not as long as Spock?s to adjust for his shorter height and stockier build but I don?t find I?m wide enough in the shoulders and I find his biceps too small. The belly padding is good though, not as fat as the last release and looks better with the new shirt.

Full disclosure I know people will miss this line but my pic is not what you get for Kirk. I swapped it. I used a worldbox body that I removed the neck on and popped on the new QMX legs on it at the hips. I also added some thigh padding as I found it was still too skinny.

Spock: 4/5
Kirk: 3/5


Big improvement here! The longer more fitted sleeves, make a big difference if you ask me and the fabric rank details on the sleeves as opposed to plastic is like night and day also. The pants seem mostly similar but the boots are now shiny and seem to be made from a finer leather. Big improvement there.

Spock 5/5
Kirk 5/5

Head sculpt and paint:

Same amazing sculpts here. They seem to be less squished vertically than the first releases (so they look a bit wider) which I think help them a lot. The rest seem the same to me.

The only thing if I?m being honest with these releases that I still can?t decide is that i May like the old Kirk paint better than the new one. The new one looks more like him in my opinion but the old seemed to have more detailing.

I?m knocking Kirk a point because his whole face came glittery. This was remnants from the metallic gold they used on his hair. I?ve always thought it was silly to paint blonde guys with metallic paint and never got why hot toys and other companies did that. To be fair this is not overboard with that effect but enough to ruin the paint on the face. I remedied this by picking a few of the sparkles off with a toothpick and hitting the whole thing which a tamiya dullcoat spray and it actually makes the whole head a bit more high end looking in my opinion.

Spock is a large improvement from the detailing to the skin tone. I find him a bit flat in some areas and it could have used more shading in the ears and along the hairline for example.

All in all though very happy

Kirk 3.5/5
Spock 4/5
Thanks for the review. I can’t wait for mine to arrive! Also, hopefully QMX reads your post and maybe tries to patch up their relationship with Nanjin. I still think the line could be a big success not to mention other 1/6 figures with his involvement.
Great info Raymond!

I have a V1 Spock with his instrument, but ever since I got the captain's chair, I have needed Kirk, who should be on his way shortly to me in V2 form.

Will it be weird to display a V2 Kirk with a V1 Spock? Will the difference be that noticeable?
I agree. Nanjin is why I jumped on board this line. We all wish he could have completed what he started, a Uhura is really needed to break up the boys club, but I salute him for what he did get accomplished.

Qmx only have a dozen or so Kirk figures left in stock. Who knows when or even if additional stock will arrive for retailers like BBTS or SSC. My confidence in Qmx producing 1/6 is pretty much gone.
Thanks Raymond for confirming my concern with the glitter face paint, I can see it on your photo of Kirk as well. I didn't realize this was from the hair paint, and my glitter flakes aren't coming off (I tried to wipe them off, but they didn't move). I'm a little afraid to use anything more abrasive to remove them than a soft cloth. I'm pretty frustrated with these glitter pieces on the face of 3 of the 4 figures I just purchased but I suppose a dull coat would help.

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I bought 2 Kirk's and 2 Spocks and I just opened them up. Most have what looks like glitter but is a splatter paint app on the face, and its particularly noticeable on one of the Kirk heads and the upper face of one of the Spocks. Anyone else see what looks like glitter on their faces? I like the paint apps otherwise but the glitter-like paint is confounding.
I also had a black hair (looks like an eyebrow hair) on my other Kirk head on the forehead, looks like a slip of the brush when painting eyebrows.

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Wow...my Kirk 2.0 has amazing paint apps and definitely none of that terrible looking glitter that is in your pictures...I would contact the retailer...
I took Raymond F's pictures (thanks for them!) and arranged them side by side, so it's easier to compare both versions. They are definitely improved, particularly the fit of the shirts.


Yeah the fit of the shirt definitely looks a lot better on these new figures, as it always bugged me how much they flared out on the originals. But even though this captures his slimmer look from the first season well, I think I still prefer the more broad-shouldered look for Kirk. And I'd be curious to see how the V2 shirt looks on the V1 body.

Feeling tempted to pick up a second Kirk now so I can make my own green wraparound for it...
I took Raymond F's pictures (thanks for them!) and arranged them side by side, so it's easier to compare both versions. They are definitely improved, particularly the fit of the shirts.

View attachment 474541

Bear in mind:

Raymond F. said:
Full disclosure I know people will miss this line but my pic is not what you get for Kirk. I swapped it. I used a worldbox body that I removed the neck on and popped on the new QMX legs on it at the hips. I also added some thigh padding as I found it was still too skinny.