damn I tend eat these story driven cinematic shooters up, kind of pissed its not coming to ps4. This generation is really lacking in story driven games.
Received my copy yesterday. Storyline and acting in the TV show segments are surprisingly good. The gameplay is a big letdown. Very mediocre combat somewhat heightened by the time powers. Lots of reading, audio logs and collectibles to find throughout the levels, all the while NPC characters try to hurry you along. Seems at odds with itself. The Acts are quite short and only 5 of them. Only 1 more to go. So far 6/10
damn I tend eat these story driven cinematic shooters up, kind of pissed its not coming to ps4. This generation is really lacking in story driven games.
I tend to eat these sort of game up to be honest too. I'm not getting any younger and my gaming tastes have aged. I don't mind easier difficulty if there is a good playable movie experience to it. And I have to really love a game (like any of the Uncharteds) to rage for hours trying to pass difficult sections. That said, The Order 1886 was a little undercooked in the gameplay experience. I didn't mind it short, as it kept that movie feel to it, but the third person action and shooting element was a bit average. It held your hand and was as restrictive as a TellTales Games game. It just happened to let you shoot guns. (but only when it would actually let you shoot guns)
This game from reviews is giving me that sort of vibe. A "next gen" merge of game meets TV/movie genre blend. But not actually that fun to play. If it is TV episode based, there really is less of an excuse for short length though.
One thing that Uncharted 2 still sets the bar for me is that not only does it tell a story in an enjoyable way, with characters you learn to love and hate, it is actually fun... Although I know not everyone is a fan, and some do think it is boring. My prediction is Uncharted 4 will be the third person game to get this year..
Played for a little bit, pretty good so far. But I really want to play it on PC for the better graphics--it could look so much better. It's running at 720p on Xbox, plus there's a number of effects like reflections and volumetric lighting that need more sampling.