Decided to try a few small modifications on mine. I darkened the lower portion of Kirk's hair (i.e. the real hair under his toupee

), inserted a bit of extra padding to broaden his chest, and lifted up the belly a bit since it felt like it was sitting a bit low to me.
On Spock I touched up some of the paint in and around his eyes, darkened his upper lip to make it appear a bit wider and more prominent like it does in photos, and made the hair at the temples fade in a bit more naturally (as their solid brown paint was just making his forehead look way too narrow). I also dremeled the body down quite a bit to make him look a bit leaner and less bulgy and muscular like Kirk.
Obviously I know the figures already look amazing out of the box and none of this was really necessary, but I still find myself liking them just a tiny bit more now.
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