Super Freak
Yup. I still live with my parents and almost have no space for me, she saw the huge box arriving, then I placed the assembled Reaper on my desk (the only space I have to put my things lol).
She looked at it and told me: "wow! it's great, blablabla... DO YOU ALREADY HAVE A BUYER?".
I used (over a year ago, nearly two) to collect 1/6 Iron Man HT and then sold them when I jumped to statues, so she thought I was "out of the hobby", so to say, and that I purchased the Reaper to sell him... after a discussion it was clear that there was no way to keep the Reaper.
Good thing is that I sold him for above retail, and considering the pieces I want now (mainly pure fantasy + gothic), he wouldn't have fit. But still, it's quite a shame, now I end up putting things UNDER my desk (true story 2.0), in their boxes. Mainly Hot Toys I buy for friends who don't want to purchase things online, if I find good deals. Or the proteins I take for my workout. Once I had to keep the HT Tumbler for 14 days under the desk 'cause those friends of mine were on holiday, I couldn't even sit properly with my legs under the desk, I sit with crossed legs on the chair for 2 weeks![]()
Lol, nice true story. Time to get your own place my friend or move in with your girlfriend![]()
I only let my wife, then girlfriend, move in on the understanding the man cave was out of bounds to her & the kids![]()

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