So we might be looking to the Red Death to see if this line will be gold or not.
I passed on that one. The only thing I liked about it was his cloak.
So we might be looking to the Red Death to see if this line will be gold or not.
The Queen was my first ever SS order. I did it on flex pay, not sure why I did it over six months though, I think I was testing it out to see how it all worked. I know I regretted it within a couple of days and went to simply pay it off in full so I could get it sooner but oddly that was considered cancelling and I didn't want to lose the deposit. Now I am quite happy it's delayed as at least it might be ready for shipping by the time I have paid in full
Really excited for the whole of this range though. Red Death took me quite a lot of viewing to grow to like it,can't wait for it's arrival.
Once SS is shipping it you can call and pay any balance due if you still have payments to make at that time. Just can't change it beforehand.
Broke down and ordered her. I had forgotten I had the $25 off coupon from the COTD kit so I used it instead of waiting for the 10% off pop-up that may never happen for me. After I get the Queen I'll use the 10% off code that comes with her for Kier and then I'll be done with the line.
Yeah, it isn't bad, I too have the 25 codes, so I may go on that front, and still do the 10% off of Kier when I get Geth. Luckily those two are the only ones I"m getting, so there isn't a rush to use the code as it expires this year. So I may just wait for some IHP first.I've been trying for days and it still hasn't popped up. I was getting pop-up offers like crazy for awhile: X-Force Deadpool PF, Harley PF, Gladiator Hulk, but it's been a couple months since I've seen one. At least I had the $25 code--it'd be nice to get an extra $13 off but she's already at the old PF prices anyway so not getting the $13 extra isn't going to make or break me on the order.
How does one trigger this phantom code?
I really like the design, and am considering getting this, but it's such a ways off. I'm waiting until closer to release to make a final decision...