Does anyone know if you pay in full at preorder or just a deposit?
I really want this, but don't know if I have the room for it. Price is high, but that's not as much as an issue as the space, it'll take up.
Yeah it would be kind of a trip having such a realistic representation of the CG character in front of you. Especially with those exaggerated anime features of hers.
And the more I look at this, the more tempting it becomes. In fact it looks well worth selling off several HT figures for...
Holy hell... Pretty unbelievable. This would be a grail until death. But a bit rich for my blood..
It really would be incredible. I bet it would take some time to get used to it, every time you walked by it'd be like "Holy s**, that's Alita." I am still excited for the Prime 1 statue, but suddenly it seems much less impressive.
I also had that exact thought today about selling some figures to fund this, but it would probably take a decent portion of my collection and not sure I want to do that. It's sure tempting though. Alita was by far my favorite movie of 2019 and in my top 5 for the decade, saw it multiple times in theaters.