I hope InArt gets the Halloween license, would kill for a 1978 Myers and Kills Myers.
For sure, having a a hyper-realistic 1:6 ‘78 Myers is a dream. They said they’re getting into more horror figures, so that one seems a no-brainer, licensing permitting.I hope InArt gets the Halloween license, would kill for a 1978 Myers and Kills Myers.
Other movies from WB I can think of:For sure, having a a hyper-realistic 1:6 ‘78 Myers is a dream. They said they’re getting into more horror figures, so that one seems a no-brainer, licensing permitting.
I hope to God they stay away from the Conjuring universe, that’s not what we mean when we say we want horror figures.
Looking at Warner Bros alone they could sink their teeth into any of the following:
The Lost Boys
The Exorcist
The Shining
Doctor Sleep
Friday the 13th
A Nightmare on Elm St.
Trick ‘r Treat
Interview with the Vampire
At least I think all those fall under Warner Bros? Personally I’d buy something from each of those films, and multiple characters in the case of The Exorcist, The Shining and Lost Boys.
Other movies from WB I can think of:
I doubt most would be considered, and I wouldn't buy figures from all of them, but they could get some cool figures from these.
- 300
- Inception
- Troy
- The Last Samurai
- Terminator 3 (only to leverage T-800 Endoskeletons)
- Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
- Edge of Tomorrow
- Seven
- Austin Powers
- The Departed
- Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
This is a fantastic list! I'm not interested in all of them but most for sure.Other movies from WB I can think of:
I doubt most would be considered, and I wouldn't buy figures from all of them, but they could get some cool figures from these.
- 300
- Inception
- Troy
- The Last Samurai
- Terminator 3 (only to leverage T-800 Endoskeletons)
- Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
- Edge of Tomorrow
- Seven
- Austin Powers
- The Departed
And this would finally provide an appropriate way to display those HT IM3 Pepper Potts sculpts.Se7en. Absolute grail levels.
Nope.Was this a joke?
To be fair, if Inart have the right to do pretty much any character in the WB stable/archive then that is a LOT of popular franchises.
Middle Earth including even the new tv series
Harry Potter and Wizarding World
The Conjuring/Annabeth/The Nun etc.
Blade Runner
Mad Max
The Exorcist
The Shining
The Evil Dead
The Lost Boys
A Nightmare on Elm Street
Friday the 13th
The Wicker Man
The Matrix
Lethal Weapon
Little Shop of Horrors
Pacific Rim
Interview with the Vampire/Queen of the Damned
Salem's Lot
Constantine movie
V for Vendetta
Pan's Labyrinth
The Prestige
Trick r' Treat
The Witches (with Anjelica Huston)
The Goonies
Robin Hood Prince of Thieves (okay this one is probably not that popular but Alan Rickman as the Sherriff of Nottingham sure is!)
The Last of the Mohicans
The Never Ending Story
A Clockwork Orange
Ace Ventura
the Cryptkeeper
Hammer Horror (possibly, I know they owned and distributed them for a long time, but I'm currently unsure)
Terminator (again a bit unsure about this - the film rights for that series has always been a bit convoluted)
Game of Thrones
Breaking Bad (i think)
His Dark Materials tv series
Just to begin with - Honestly Inarft could just stick to the rights from a single studio and not run out of characters to create for a least a decade.
I actually did that for my sister's birthday - she's a huge fan of Se7en and we both have inside jokes about it all the time, so I bought this 1/6 set of documents, props, clues and THE BOX?!?! from Etsy.And this would finally provide an appropriate way to display those HT IM3 Pepper Potts sculpts.
All in £1 coins taped to the inside of a card?I got £20 for my birthday…
The dilemma there is will they do the young Rhaenyra or the aged Rhaenyra? At the risk of this sounding dodgy, I’d much prefer the young Rhaenyra (in the outfit you mentioned).I need Rhaenyra in her Episode 3 outfit ASAP
No chance. That would require creativity, time, a little effort and imply a degree of consideration and care. That’s not really our style.All in £1 coins taped to the inside of a card?
The last of the Mohicans ... man, that would be awesome. But agree with the comment that they will probably try to do more relevant titlesI made a somewhat long list of the potential titles Inart would have access to if they have some sort of deal with WB.
I'll repost it here in case it helps the discussion.