I'm hoping that they do venture to the 2000s at the very least. Making a M4TRIX Nero and never a Reloaded/Revolutions one would be like making the Watchmen starting off with Silk Spectre and the Comedian and never making Rorschach o- Waaaaiiit a minute...Indeed, Black Adam will have been totally forgotten by the time the figure’s out - and he’s the best known of those 3 atm. At least in the west, don’t really know how it works in their market back in China.
They said last night that movies before the late 2000’s aren’t that well known in China and that’s why Keaton or Reeves aren’t a priority, yet I don’t know how it’s any better to produce Neo or Black Adam than those 2, since the first didn’t even reach 10m box office there and Black Adam hasn’t even been released. I hope they backtrack from those - time is a valuable thing and as a new company there’s so much other stuff with which they could impress us.
Besides better renditions of classics (Keaton, Kilmer, Reeves), here’s to hoping Inart can reach with their premium pricetags were other’s couldn’t: Tom Cruise in whatever movie (c’mon, we need that!), a good 007 with a DB7 maybe. Also in due time maybe some gaming characters, since their doing anime, why not venture into that other realm? Geralt, Kratos, Master Chief, Gordon Freeman, Snake, Eizo, Dante, Ryu, Ratchet, Samus, Lara Croft, Jill Valentine, Chloe (Life is Strange)… and Rayman of course. Give me a realistic Rayman, floatnig hands, head and body, and I’ll give you all my money![]()
But yeah, I'd love to see them try and pick up some VG licenses. Mass Effect, Halo, certainly God Of War; there's potential. And since IA seems interested in only making the most prominent characters from each license, it'll be easy for them to pick a license up, do the MC(s), and move on.
I think he'd definitely be around the 1K mark. Dunno if I'd be able to swing him, but I'd certainly try. It's why I didn't mind if they take their time with him... As it stands I'm planning for my LotR collection to be ROTK Aragorn, GtW, and hopefully Sauron.Already have a list as long as my arm for InArt LOTR figures, so bring them all on. How much would a 1:6 diecast Sauron cost, do you think? $1000-1500? Probably more than the WETA.
I’d even consider a few figures from The Hobbit films, even though I’m not the biggest fan of those. Thorin in his golden armour would be a thing of beauty, Thranduil, Bilbo and a couple of the dwarves. Rings of Power can take a dive off a cliff though. If we get a petulant brat Galadriel before Cate Blanchett Galadriel I’ll vomit.