So it's culturally and chronologically accurate and that's a negative. Interesting.
That being said, one of my favorite critic groups did not like the film, mostly for some real reasons, and the main one being they say the N word a 104 times.
But still excited to see this later.
Pretty much. This is one of those rarest of occasions where we agree (must be something in the egg nog). I lost all respect for Spike Lee when the ********* sued SpikeTV for trying to capitalize off of his name.
Spike Lee is so obnoxious and hypocrit for jumping on Tarantino, Do the right thing had every racial slur in the book.
The reasoning they gave is, the film, like most QT flicks, has a good amount of humor. And them being black, were offended at the white people laughing.
So I don't know.
They also didn't care for Inglorious Basterds, which I enjoyed.
Spike Lee is so obnoxious and hypocrit for jumping on Tarantino, Do the right thing had every racial slur in the book.
I'll be seeing this tomorrow, looking forward to it.
I don't mind hearing the N word and I'm looking forward to seeing Ray Charles, er, I mean Electro play a white Italian character (close enough).
Not sure why anyone is surprised, pulp fiction has quite a few N bombs, hell, from Tarantino himself. This one is a period piece though, so who cares.
"I don't know." You've said that in every Django thread that you've been in. Who cares? It's a movie. We watch movies with the word "****" in them thousands of times, and we don't bat an eye, but this one has a racially insensitive term and suddenly, you don't know? It's a movie, dude. Whether it's one time or one hundred, you shouldn't let a word, or somebody else's opinion about that word's inclusion cloud your own enjoyment of the flick.
Did Japanese people rage when Pearl Harbor was released?
Did Japanese people rage when Pearl Harbor was released?
I liked Pearl Harbor quite a bit, especially Kate Beckinsale.
Also liked the relationship between Affleck and Hartnett. That love triangle was actually a well thought out one. It's been a while since I've seen it but I remember liking it, don't remember thinking it was crap. I thought it was better than his ****ing Transformers flicks anyway.