Seat cushion Pimp
nice...glad that is taken care of..but as you said before, next time make sure you go with delivery confirmation, just makes it so much less stressful from the beginning.
nice...glad that is taken care of..but as you said before, next time make sure you go with delivery confirmation, just makes it so much less stressful from the beginning.
i've learned one thing from this whole ordeal - delivery confirmation from now on!!!!
A lot of sellers think that it is in the BUYERS best intrest to request Delivery confirmation and Insurance. But they fail to realize that it is the complete opposite. As a seller you don't charge the buyer for delivery conf/tracking and insurance for their sakes....you do it to save your OWN ASS in case of situations just like this.
That doesn't matter since Paypal will negative his balance. they could care less what happened to the package if the seller can't provide proof of shipping which includes BOTH the tracking number and postage receipt.
Always Always Always Always Always Always Always Always Always Always Always Always Always Always Always Always Always Always Always Always Always Always Always Always Always Always Always use delivery confirmation when selling anything.
I think if you purchase your postage online, it includes delivery confirmation for free. Plus it saves time cuz you can just skip the line at the PO and put them on the counter and walk away and laugh at the last person who just got into a 30+ minute line.