Super Freak
Well, and we have to remember that not even Tolkien ironed everything out.
Who is Tom Bombadil anyway? And what about those Balrog wings?

Who is Tom Bombadil anyway? And what about those Balrog wings?

the reasons why she did this is because she wanted the choice of ending her life one day when aragorn dies eventually and she rather do that than going to the grey havens when aragorn dies? and the thing about both aragorn and arwen, they don't die of old age like normal men although they are mortals, they die when they decide they do not want to live anymore correct? some sort of privilege given to them by the gods?
She bore her husband one son and a number of daughters. However, by marrying Aragorn she chose not to accompany her father over the Sea at the end of the Third Age, and thus became mortal. After Aragorn died in FO 120, Arwen went to Lorien, where she died the next winter. Her grave was made on Cerin Amroth.
Although they could be slain or die of grief, Elves were not subject to age or disease. An Elf who lost his life went to the halls of Mandos, whence he could go elsewhere in Valinor but not return to Middle-earth. The fate of the Elves is bound to Ea, and they cannot leave the Circles of the World until the End, when they will join with the Ainur (and perhaps Men) in the Second Music before the throne of Iluvatar.
Elros and Elrond, the two children of Earendil and Elwing. They were called the Peredhil because of their extremely mixed Adan (human) and Eldarin (elven) blood. At the end of the First Age, the Peredhil were given the choice of which race they wished to belong to. Elros chose to remain with the Edain, and he was given by the Valar a life-span many times that of lesser Men. Elrond became an Elven-lord of great power and wisdom. Elrond's children were also given the choice of which kindred they wished to belong to; the choice was to be made when Elrond left Middle-earth. All three of his children chose mortality.
Nazgurl said:Hmmm. I don't have any of my books handy (I'm at work) but I seem to remember that the Numenorean Kings and their descendants did indeed have the gift of being able to simply lie down and die when they felt that they had lived long enough, and that that was what Aragorn (by then, of course, called Ellesar) did. It was why Arwen said something to the effect of "will you leave your people now."
I'm sure someone can come up with the relevant passages.
tomandshell said:Elladan and Elrohir were not on the boat with Elrond, Galadriel, Bilbo, Frodo and Gandalf at the end of ROTK, so apparently they chose to remain in Middle-earth as mortals.
tomandshell said:I think that Saruman would be possibly the most interesting character to watch develop in the potential prequel.
jlcmsu said:I agree. I would love to see as you said what went one behind the scenes during the White Council meetings. Knowing what we know just makes it a very interesting thought of what we might see.
The history of ME is just truly fascinating IMO. I love still setting down and reading sites like Arada and the books I have. I feel like I learn something new everytime I sit down.