QUIZ: which Avenger are you?

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Torturer of OCD
CF Supporter
Feb 3, 2006
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City of Angels
Take the Sideshow Quiz:

Could you be one of the Avengers? | Sideshow Collectibles


Result: Archenemy of the Avengers

Hm. Well, not an Avenger. In fact, it appears you’re much more likely to be a force of evil that brings them together. Excessively intelligent, frighteningly ambitious, possibly possessing something of a small superiority complex. If only you'd use those powers for good... Well, one thing’s for sure, there are no strings on you.

I chose wisely.... :D
Oooookay.... I thought I was actually doing pretty neutral on the quiz but somehow I also got "Archenemy of the Avengers"...

I can live with that. :lecture
Result: Innocent Bystander

You're hearing that sad trumpet noise in your head right now, aren't you? Look, we're not saying you're destined to be Chitauri cannon fodder, but it couldn’t hurt to take out another life insurance policy. So you don’t have any crazy superpowers, that doesn’t make you any less a productive member of society. In fact, the Avengers need good upstanding citizens like you to protect, or what’s the point? And on the bright side, if Hulk happens to smash your car while it’s parked outside it’ll make for a really interesting post on Facebook. That has to count for something, right?

That's kinda sad...
Result: Innocent Bystander

You're hearing that sad trumpet noise in your head right now, aren't you? Look, we're not saying you're destined to be Chitauri cannon fodder, but it couldn’t hurt to take out another life insurance policy. So you don’t have any crazy superpowers, that doesn’t make you any less a productive member of society. In fact, the Avengers need good upstanding citizens like you to protect, or what’s the point? And on the bright side, if Hulk happens to smash your car while it’s parked outside it’ll make for a really interesting post on Facebook. That has to count for something, right?

That's kinda sad...

:lol :lol :lol
Somebody call Nick Fury, because you were born to join the S.H.I.E.L.D. initiative. In fact, just consider yourself Level 7 clearance right now. Undeniably sharp and fiercely determined, your allies can always count on you to have their backs. Plus, when nobody’s looking, you can probably sneak in a few quick games of Galaga on the job. Congratulations Agent, the Avengers are lucky to have you!
I'm an Avenger lol
Result: 100% an Avenger
Strong? Fearless? Loyal? Check, check, check! You also happen to be supremely talented, and just a little bit smug… Meaning congratulations, you definitely have what it takes to join Earth’s Mightiest Heroes! Willing to go to the ends of the earth – and sometimes beyond – to fight for what you believe in, your heart is usually in the right place. Usually. Avenger, it's time to Assemble!
**Contest Terms and Conditions: bit.ly/SCContestRules
I'm an Avenger lol

100% an Avenger.

Congrats on stepping out through those doors :clap
Take the Sideshow Quiz:

Could you be one of the Avengers? | Sideshow Collectibles


Result: Archenemy of the Avengers

Hm. Well, not an Avenger. In fact, it appears you’re much more likely to be a force of evil that brings them together. Excessively intelligent, frighteningly ambitious, possibly possessing something of a small superiority complex. If only you'd use those powers for good... Well, one thing’s for sure, there are no strings on you.

I chose wisely.... :D
