R.I.P. Harold Ramis

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He was on SCTV... damn I don't remember him being on there. SCTV was Canadian as well. I loved SCTV. So much better than SNL.
Man, this is really sad news. This guy was 80s comedy. Caddyshack, Stripes, Groundhog Day. RIP Harold and RIP Ghostbusters probably.
Re: Rest In Peace Harold Ramis

You might want to check the cast of characters again...

I'm sure Harold Ramis' having a chuckle to himself up in heaven at that one,....

Too many great actors seem to be leaving this world at the moment!
The man was behind some great movies and entertaining TV.

I guess GBIII could be about having to bust Egon's ghost. :dunno
They've been through so many drafts trying to get GB3 right. Multiple versions with removable parts in case Murray didn't want in. Now with this they'd have to start completely from scratch. Egon was probably intregal to training the new generation since he created and maintained all of the gear. In the Extreme GB cartoon he was the only original member left to pass on the equipment as well. And of course he's the one that watered down Dan's crazy original idea and made the movies what they were. Dan with no Harold is like George Lucas on his own. Most likely this is the end of Ghostbusters as we know it.
I haven't really cared about any potential Ghostbusters 3 movie in years, and at this point really hope it doesn't happen. With no Murray and no Ramis, there is zero interest on my part.
Man this is tragic news, I was re watching GHostbusters yesterday and bought the movies on itunes last week, my heart is gutted, but the way I see, at least Ghostbusters The Videogame will be part 3 for me.
This is terrible news. RIP.
I always hear about actors dying and it sucks, yeah sure. Harold dying feels different. I've been a Ghostbusters fan almost 30 years and I just turned 35. So that's a huge part of me. I knew it would happen eventually but when it starts it comes as a complete shock. :(
I guess it feels like part of my childhood is gone.
The first movie meant something when my parents told me they watched it when my mom was still pregnant in the theater...!!! It does feel like a part of my childhood is gone!