Haha I need to watermark my photos! Haha jk! Yours looks better than mine man, nice job!
Wow! That Dexter looks phenomenal!!! Great work Jake!
My client wanted it to look like your so that the ultimate compliment right there! Yours looks awesome man I don't think I bested yours. Who painted that btw?
Snowed up some Butcher shoes today as well...
Ah cool, ya man I am totally kidding around, yours does look better IMO, skiman painted mine but it was never my idea, bought it like that.
Thanks Pajji! Post those pocs of you Cap wip in here man...I wanna show him off!
Damn even your snow work looks great! When you finally free up I'm sending you MacReady!
Snowed up some Butcher shoes today as well...
Oh wow, that's so awesome! I need to send you my set that's great snow detail brother!
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