I love it man! Wish I had a better outfit/saber to go along with this amazing paint up but for now I am extremely happy and can't stop looking at it haha, thanks Jake!
You need one of those light up sabers that someone on here has been offering.
I love it man! Wish I had a better outfit/saber to go along with this amazing paint up but for now I am extremely happy and can't stop looking at it haha, thanks Jake!
You need one of those light up sabers that someone on here has been offering.
Damn i figured he did. Dont see why he couldntYeah I was going to get it but he doesn't do the dual lit lightsaber that maul uses.
Ha ha money talks sir!I'll pay you a lot of money to do another for me!A LOT!!!
Thanks Ron! Not sure how it raised any bars but ill take itjeez Jacob... these are all great, but that drive fig... you seemed to have raised the bar once again! he is just stunning!!
total inspiration!!!
absolutely love it! Spectacular work my friend! Such flawless work. Right now I have him on display with the butcher...so many blades in that case.
Congrats on Maul, Ajkhunter. Jacob did superb work on him.
I'm not sure what body you are currently using, and if you want to put more work into him, but I found that a combination of an advanced TT (upper body and arms) and a slim TT (abdomen and legs) works really well to enhance his proportions. And the nice thing is that the SS clothes fit the combination perfectly without any modifications.
https://img.photobucket.com/albums/v152/187-Maul/Darth Maul custom/IMG_0627_2_small.jpg
That pic looks great AgonCongrats on Maul, Ajkhunter. Jacob did superb work on him.
I'm not sure what body you are currently using, and if you want to put more work into him, but I found that a combination of an advanced TT (upper body and arms) and a slim TT (abdomen and legs) works really well to enhance his proportions. And the nice thing is that the SS clothes fit the combination perfectly without any modifications.
https://img.photobucket.com/albums/v152/187-Maul/Darth Maul custom/IMG_0627_2_small.jpg
Jacob it has been awhile I feel the need to write you a poem.
Oh oh oh oh oh , I farted in the car with the windows up
Oh oh oh oh oh , I farted in the car with the windows up
Smelt so bad hurt my nose
I love the windows when they are closed
Oh oh , in the car
Oh oh , in the car
Oh oh oh oh oh , I farted in the car with the windows up
Oh oh oh oh oh , I farted in the car with the windows up
View attachment 148873
Ha ha thank you man! My "just friend" Lakhota wrote it for me....touching words i agreeI'm cruising along and seeing all these beautiful works of art -- Edward is insane -- and then I come across this. What is this?
I'm cruising along and seeing all these beautiful works of art -- Edward is insane -- and then I come across this. What is this?
Oh man....i have one coming cant wait! You unfortunately will have to wait for about 10 to 14 weeks for when i open comissiond again. Sorry buddy. Id reccomend 8bit-Commando or Kuato if you cant wait.My Bbkill Connery head is here! I need to know when commissions open again! Fiending like a junkie over here...