Super Freak
Re: Rahmier84 update 8-16-14
About Blondie-Amazing!Bravo!Now hands and gun
About Blondie-Amazing!Bravo!Now hands and gun
Glad you like Gido...its yours!Wowwww!!!
Thanks man...ypu know im picky about my beards!Incredible detailing on the scruffiness!
Thanks alot man!Jeez, the difference is incredible! Iminimes is okay, but you just slapped blondies face on that sculpt. Even looks angrier, love the extra hairs on the neck. Amazing dude!
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Just did and gonna smoke a fat cigar lol...***** me that's awesome paintwork ...... Take a bow sir
Thanks man. Glad you like!That's a great repaint!
It's awesome to see it next to the original!
Always trying to take it to the next level...thank you!Pretty amazing
Taking it to the next level for sure
You really pushed the likeness even father out of Trevor's sculpt.
Thanks Ron! You taught me all I knowstunning!! just perfect!!! well done mentor!!
Thanks send me some of your work to paint!;7160196 said:Dam! You really brought out the Benedict in that Sherlock sculpt! TG would be most proudGreat work on the Blondie too, you've given him back his Clint squint
Thanks Scotty! Your too kindJust wow on the blondie that is crazy work ! Probably the nicest you'll ever see that sculpt.
On the Blondie, you really nailed the fuller beard. It was pretty thick by the end of the movie and you got it spot on.
Thanks Ed!"Bravo".
Thanks man! Yeah as many as they are putting out its hard to get all that detail and shading which really enhances any sculpt.Gotta be honest, and I might get strung up with this oneI was never crazy about Inime's sculpt (or so I thought) loved the tailoring and thought all in all it was a fantastic figure, but now that I see it repainted by you, you just really really brought the likeness out for me, bud. Can't wait to get on your paint up list some day!
Thanks Andrew!Wow that Blondie repaint is amazingly good Jake!