I got a bottomless box full of sexiness today and all I can say is wow, wow, wow
I don't know where to even start. I guess I'll start by saying the usual; as nice as the pics thus far have been, none have perfectly conveyed how awesome this is in hand. Now that I see this in person I can say I've changed my mind about Aeon's paint. I definitely favor The Man's job once again. Despite the way he beautified Travie's lips and complexion a little, he got the irises & stubble much better and just the overall appearance is a cut above. I think Aeon is extremely talented but in my eyes RM's touch is always overall a notch better.
There's still a lot for me to soak in to share all my thoughts but there's no question that this is The Man in full form again. There's everything that you expect in a Rainman set here; top shelf accurate accessories, top shelf accurate (90%

) outfits, some fantastic sculpts with major league paint work, quality body, etc. The quality of chest piece is very impressive. Even if it may need a repaint, the construction of it is nearly on the level of a factory mass produced item. After some recent hiccups, I’m extremely happy to see him step to the plate this hard and make this huge effort to restore the faith. This set is a big reminder of who he is, what he’s made of and why he’s earned his spot in the game
There's been some doubt about the value of this recently. Yes this is a big nut to drop on a dual set but I can't think of anything else out there recently that beats this in the value department (specifically speaking about the DFS/DX). Per version we got 3 accessories, 2 rigs, a 3 piece outfit (jacket, shirt, jeans) & boots, a custom chest piece and a painted sculpt.... all of which are of the highest quality that the hobby has to offer...
for $650 a pop

Let's not forget the real silver belt buckle that hit a level of craftsmanship that we rarely see, despite the fact that we are surrounded by the greatest talents in the game.
Now if you'll excuse me.... I have some important work to do for the government....